Source code for aim2fe

Converts an AIM file to a HDF5 file.
Adapted from the script from Denis Schenk, ISTB, University of Bern.

Author: Jarunan Panyasantisuk, ETH Scientific IT Services.
Date: 13 November 2018.

Maintained by: Simone Poncioni, ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, SITEM Insel, University of Bern
Date: March 2024

import gc
import logging
import threading
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep

import hfe_accurate.material_mapping as material_mapping
import hfe_accurate.preprocessing as preprocessing
import hfe_utils.imutils as imutils
import hfe_utils.io_utils as io_utils
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import yaml
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable  # type: ignore
from pyhexspline.spline_mesher import HexMesh  # type: ignore

logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGING_NAME)
logger.propagate = False

except ImportError:

[docs] def save_image_with_colorbar(data, output_path): """ Saves an image with a colorbar to the specified output path. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): The image data to be displayed. output_path (str): The path where the image will be saved. Returns: None This function performs the following operations: 1. Creates a new figure and axis. 2. Displays the image data using a viridis colormap. 3. Sets the title of the image based on the output path. 4. Adds a colorbar to the right of the image. 5. Adjusts the layout to be tight. 6. Saves the figure to the specified output path with a resolution of 300 dpi. 7. Clears the figure to free up memory. """ plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() im = ax.imshow(data, cmap="viridis") plt.title( f"{Path(output_path)} - {Path(output_path).stem}", fontsize=20, weight="bold", ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output_path, dpi=300) plt.clf()
[docs] def aim2fe_psl(cfg, sample): """ Converts AIM image to Abaqus INP file using the provided configuration. Args: cfg (dict): Dictionary of configuration parameters. sample (str): Sample identifier. Raises: TypeError: If there is an issue with the input types. ValueError: If an unrecognized fabric or meshing type is encountered. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the bone dictionary and the path to the Abaqus INP file. This function performs the following operations: 1. Sets filenames and reads image parameters. 2. Reads AIM images and image parameters, optionally using multithreading. 3. Adjusts image size if registration is enabled. 4. Saves images with colorbars. 5. Prepares material mapping by calculating BVTV and BMD values. 6. Generates a mesh if the meshing type is "spline". 7. Computes MSL kernel list based on the fabric type. 8. Maps materials to the mesh. 9. Computes and stores summary and performance variables. 10. Plots MSL fabric if the meshing type is "spline". """ # For Hosseini Dataset, Image parameters are read from original aim, not from processed BMD file, as there # they were deleted by medtool pre-processing origaim_separate_bool = cfg.image_processing.origaim_separate # filenames = io_utils.set_filenames( # cfg, sample, pipeline="accurate", origaim_separate=origaim_separate_bool # ) filenames = io_utils.FileConfig(cfg, sample, pipeline='accurate', origaim_separate=origaim_separate_bool) filenames.set_filenames() print(yaml.dump(filenames, default_flow_style=False)) io_utils.print_mem_usage() # 2 Read AIM images and image parameters # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bone = {} bone["sample"] = str(sample) spacing, scaling, slope, intercept = imutils.read_img_param(filenames) bone["Spacing"] = spacing bone["Scaling"] = scaling bone["Slope"] = slope bone["Intercept"] = intercept if cfg.image_processing.mask_separate is True: image_list = ["BMD", "SEG", "CORTMASK", "TRABMASK"] threads = [] lock = threading.Lock() for item in image_list: t = threading.Thread( target=imutils.read_image, args=(item, filenames, bone, lock) ) threads.append(t) sleep(0.1) # to avoid overloading the print statements t.start() for t in threads: t.join() else: image_list = ["BMD", "SEG"] for _, item in enumerate(image_list): bone = imutils.read_image(item, filenames, bone, lock=None) bone = imutils.read_aim_mask_combined("MASK", filenames, bone) # image_list = ["BMD", "SEG", "CORTMASK", "TRABMASK"] if cfg.registration.registration is True: for _, item in enumerate(image_list): bone = imutils.adjust_image_size(item, bone, cfg, imutils.CropType.crop) else: pass # Save images with colorbar imutils.save_images_with_colorbar(cfg, sample, bone) # 3 Prepare material mapping # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMTYPE = cfg.image_processing.imtype io_utils.print_mem_usage() BVTVscaled, BMDscaled, BVTVraw = preprocessing.calculate_bvtv( bone["Scaling"], bone["Slope"], bone["Intercept"], bone["BMD_array"], bone["CORTMASK_array"], bone["TRABMASK_array"], cfg, IMTYPE, ) bone["BVTVscaled"] = BVTVscaled bone["BMDscaled"] = BMDscaled bone["BVTVraw"] = BVTVraw del BVTVscaled, BMDscaled, BVTVraw gc.collect() if cfg.mesher.meshing == "spline": cort_mask_np = bone["CORTMASK_array"] trab_mask_np = bone["TRABMASK_array"] masks = [cort_mask_np, trab_mask_np] mask_names = ["CORTMASK", "TRABMASK"] for mask, mask_name in zip(masks, mask_names): sitk_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(mask) sitk_image = sitk.PermuteAxes(sitk_image, [2, 1, 0]) sitk_image = sitk.Flip(sitk_image, [False, True, False]) sitk_image.SetSpacing(bone["Spacing"]) cortmask_path = ( Path(cfg.paths.aimdir) / cfg.simulations.folder_id[sample] / f"{sample}_{mask_name}.mhd" ) sitk.WriteImage(sitk_image, cortmask_path) if mask_name == "CORTMASK": sitk_image_cort = sitk_image else: pass # append sample filename to config_mesh["img_settings"] sample_n = str(sample) io_utils.hydra_update_cfg_key(cfg, "img_settings.img_basefilename", sample_n) cfg.img_settings.img_basefilename = sample_n mesh = HexMesh( cfg.meshing_settings, cfg.img_settings, sitk_image=sitk_image_cort, ) ( nodes, elms, nb_nodes, centroids_cort, centroids_trab, elm_vol_cort, elm_vol_trab, radius_roi_cort, radius_roi_trab, bnds_bot, bnds_top, reference_point_coord, ) = mesh.mesher() bone["nodes"] = nodes bone["elms"] = elms bone["nb_nodes"] = nb_nodes bone["degrees_of_freedom"] = len(nodes) * 6 bone["elms_centroids_cort"] = centroids_cort bone["elms_centroids_trab"] = centroids_trab bone["elms_vol_cort"] = elm_vol_cort bone["elms_vol_trab"] = elm_vol_trab bone["radius_roi_cort"] = radius_roi_cort bone["radius_roi_trab"] = radius_roi_trab bone["bnds_bot"] = bnds_bot bone["bnds_top"] = bnds_top bone["reference_point_coord"] = reference_point_coord bone["elsets"] = [] if "FEelSize" not in bone or bone["FEelSize"]: bone["FEelSize"] = ( int(round(cfg.mesher.element_size / spacing[0])) * bone["Spacing"] ) # old voxel-based mesh settings CoarseFactor = bone["FEelSize"][0] / bone["Spacing"][0] bone["CoarseFactor"] = CoarseFactor BVTVscaled_shape = bone["BVTVscaled"].shape bone["MESH"] = np.ones( ([int(dim) for dim in np.floor(np.array(BVTVscaled_shape) / CoarseFactor)]) ) # 4 Material mapping # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compute MSL kernel list if cfg.homogenization.fabric_type == "local":"Computing local MSL kernel list") bone = preprocessing.compute_msl_spline(bone, cfg) elif cfg.homogenization.fabric_type == "global":"Computing global MSL kernel list") pass else: raise ValueError("Fabric type not recognised") if cfg.mesher.meshing == "spline": ( bone, abq_dictionary, abq_inp_path, ) = material_mapping.material_mapping_spline( bone, cfg, filenames, ) bone["abq_inp_path"] = abq_inp_path else: raise ValueError("Meshing type not recognised (ghost layer mode 1)") # 5 Compute and store summary and performance variables # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Computing summary variables") summary_variables = preprocessing.set_summary_variables(bone) # io_utils.log_summary(bone, cfg, filenames, summary_variables) bone = dict(list(bone.items()) + list(summary_variables.items()))"Summary variables computed") if cfg.mesher.meshing == "spline": imutils.plot_MSL_fabric_spline(cfg, abq_dictionary, sample) else: raise NotImplementedError("Meshing type not recognised") return bone, abq_inp_path