Source code for preprocessing

import gc
import logging

import numpy as np
import vtk  # type: ignore
from hfe_accurate.project_normals_cortex import clustered_point_normals
from hfe_accurate.struct_voxel_indices import map_isosurface  # type: ignore
from hfe_accurate.surface_nets import surface_nets
from hfe_utils.imutils import numpy2vtk
from hfe_utils.io_utils import timeit
from numba import njit  # type: ignore
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve  # type: ignore
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa  # type: ignore
from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy  # type: ignore

logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGING_NAME)
logger.propagate = False

[docs] def calculate_bvtv( scaling, slope, intercept, BMD_array, CORTMASK_array, TRABMASK_array, cfg, IMTYPE: str, ): """ Calculates BVTV and mask images. Args: scaling (float): Scaling factor for the image. slope (float): Slope used in the image. intercept (float): Intercept used in the image. BMD_array (numpy.ndarray): Array containing BMD values. CORTMASK_array (numpy.ndarray): Array containing cortical mask values. TRABMASK_array (numpy.ndarray): Array containing trabecular mask values. cfg (dict): Configuration object containing image processing settings. IMTYPE (str): String defining the type of image ("BMD" or "NATIVE"). Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following elements: - BVTVscaled (numpy.ndarray): Scaled BVTV values. - BMDscaled (numpy.ndarray): Scaled BMD values. - BVTVraw (numpy.ndarray): Raw BVTV values. This function performs the following operations: 1. Calculates BVTVraw based on the image type (BMD or NATIVE). 2. Applies BVTV scaling if specified in the configuration. 3. Creates a mask by combining cortical and trabecular masks. 4. Applies the mask to BVTVscaled, BMDscaled, and BVTVraw. """ print("\n ... prepare mask and BVTV images") print(" -> Scaling = ", scaling) print(" -> Slope = ", slope) print(" -> Intercept = ", intercept) if IMTYPE.find("BMD") > -1: # if image is already in BMD units (e.g. Hosseini's data) BVTVraw = BMD_array / 1200.0 elif IMTYPE.find("NATIVE") > -1: BMD_array = (BMD_array / scaling) * slope + intercept BVTVraw = BMD_array / 1200.0 # if image is in native units # BVTV scaling if cfg.image_processing.bvtv_scaling == 1: seg_scaling_slope = cfg.image_processing.bvtv_slope seg_scaling_intercept = cfg.image_processing.bvtv_intercept BVTVscaled = seg_scaling_slope * BVTVraw + seg_scaling_intercept else: BVTVscaled = BVTVraw # set bone values MASK = CORTMASK_array + TRABMASK_array MASK[MASK > 0] = 1 BVTVscaled = BVTVscaled * MASK BMDscaled = BVTVscaled * 1200 * MASK BVTVraw = BVTVraw * MASK return BVTVscaled, BMDscaled, BVTVraw
@timeit def input_sanity_check(SEG_array, trabmask, cortmask, spacing, tolerance, dimZ): """ Ensures the input data is in the correct format and initializes necessary variables. Args: SEG_array (numpy.ndarray): Image array of segmentation. trabmask (numpy.ndarray): Binary trabecular mask image. cortmask (numpy.ndarray): Binary cortical mask image. spacing (list): List of spacing in 3D. tolerance (float): Tolerance value for the triangulation process. dimZ (float): Dimension in the Z direction. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the formatted SEG array, trabmask, cortmask, spacing, tolerance, and dimZ. """ if not isinstance(SEG_array, vtk.vtkImageData): SEGim_vtk = numpy2vtk(SEG_array, spacing) trabmask = fmt_sanity_check(trabmask) cortmask = fmt_sanity_check(cortmask) spacing = fmt_sanity_check(spacing) tolerance = fmt_sanity_check(tolerance) dimZ = fmt_sanity_check(dimZ) return SEGim_vtk, trabmask, cortmask, spacing, tolerance, dimZ
[docs] def fmt_sanity_check(in_file): # check if file is a numpy.ndarray, else convert it if not isinstance(in_file, np.ndarray): out_file = np.array(in_file) else: out_file = in_file return out_file
[docs] @njit() def __mask_cogs__( COG_temp: np.ndarray, spacing: np.ndarray, ): """ Using numpy broadcasting to calculate the mask_cog Speed increased by 25x (POS, 2023-07-06) Args: COG_temp (np.ndarray): Array of center of gravity points Spacing (np.ndarray): SCANCO image spacing Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: Centers of gravity in x, y, z direction """ spac_0 = spacing[0] spac_1 = spacing[1] spac_2 = spacing[2] mask_cog1 = (COG_temp[:, 0] - (COG_temp[:, 0] % spac_0)) / spac_0 mask_cog2 = (COG_temp[:, 1] - (COG_temp[:, 1] % spac_1)) / spac_1 mask_cog3 = (COG_temp[:, 2] - (COG_temp[:, 2] % spac_2)) / spac_2 return mask_cog1, mask_cog2, mask_cog3
[docs] def __assign_to_mask__( cfg, COG_temp: np.ndarray, trabmask: np.ndarray, mask_cog: np.ndarray, dimZ_min_tolerance: float, tolerance: float, ): """ Assigns each point in COG_temp to either trabecular or cortical mask based on whether it is inside trabecular mask or not. Returns the cog_points and indices for trabecular and cortical masks separately. Args: COG_temp (np.ndarray): Array of center of gravity points trabmask (np.ndarray): Trabecular mask mask_cog (np.ndarray): Centers of gravity in x, y, z direction dimZ_min_tolerance (float): dimZ - tolerance tolerance (float): Tolerance for z-coordinates Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: cog_points_trab, indices_trab, cog_points_cort, indices_cort """ cog_points_temp = np.array(COG_temp) z_coords = cog_points_temp[:, 2] in_trab_mask = ( trabmask[ mask_cog[:, 0].astype(np.int32), mask_cog[:, 1].astype(np.int32), mask_cog[:, 2].astype(np.int32), ] > 0 ) in_trab_mask &= (0 + tolerance <= z_coords) & (z_coords <= dimZ_min_tolerance) cog_points_trab = cog_points_temp[in_trab_mask] indices_trab = np.where(in_trab_mask)[0] if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: cog_points_cort = None indices_cort = None else: in_cort_mask = ( ~in_trab_mask & (0 + tolerance <= z_coords) & (z_coords <= dimZ_min_tolerance) ) cog_points_cort = cog_points_temp[in_cort_mask] indices_cort = np.where(in_cort_mask)[0] return cog_points_trab, indices_trab, cog_points_cort, indices_cort
@timeit def compute_dyadic_product_einsum(cfg, PointNormalArray, indices_cort, indices_trab): """ Computes the dyadic product of the normal vectors of the cells in the cortical and trabecular regions of the triangulated surface using the Einstein summation convention. Args: PointNormalArray (vtk.vtkDataArray): The vtkDataArray containing the normal vectors of the cells. indices_cort (np.ndarray): The indices of the cells in the cortical region. indices_trab (np.ndarray): The indices of the cells in the trabecular region. Returns: Tuple[list, list]: The dyadic product of the normal vectors of the cells in the cortical and trabecular regions, respectively. """ def _compute_dyad(PointNormalArray, indices, batch_size=1000): dyads = [] for i in range(0, len(indices), batch_size): batch_indices = indices[i : i + batch_size] batch_normals = [PointNormalArray.GetTuple(j) for j in batch_indices] batch_dyads = np.einsum("ij,ik->ijk", batch_normals, batch_normals) dyads.extend(batch_dyads) return dyads if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: dyadic_cort_einsum = None else: dyadic_cort_einsum = _compute_dyad( PointNormalArray, indices_cort, batch_size=1000 ) dyadic_trab_einsum = _compute_dyad(PointNormalArray, indices_trab, batch_size=1000)"4b/6 Computation dyadic products finished") return dyadic_cort_einsum, dyadic_trab_einsum @timeit def compute_cell_area(cfg, vtkNormals, indices_cort, indices_trab): """ Computes the area of each cell in the cortical and trabecular regions of the triangulated surface. Args: vtkNormals (vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals): The vtkPolyDataNormals object containing the triangulated surface normals. indices_cort (np.ndarray): The indices of the cells in the cortical region. indices_trab (np.ndarray): The indices of the cells in the trabecular region. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The area of each cell in the cortical and trabecular regions, respectively. """ # Get Cell Area triangleCellAN = vtk.vtkMeshQuality() triangleCellAN.SetInputConnection(vtkNormals.GetOutputPort()) triangleCellAN.SetTriangleQualityMeasureToArea() triangleCellAN.SaveCellQualityOn() # default triangleCellAN.Update() # creates vtkDataSet qualityArray = triangleCellAN.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetArray("Quality") qualityArray_np = vtk_to_numpy(qualityArray) if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: area_cort = None else: area_cort = qualityArray_np[indices_cort] area_trab = qualityArray_np[indices_trab]"5/6 Computation cell area finished") return area_cort, area_trab @timeit def get_cell_centers(vtk_output): """ Finds the center of gravity of each cell in a vtk output object. Args: vtk_output (vtk.vtkPolyData): The vtk output object. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array containing the center of gravity of each cell. """ # Find find Center of gravity of each cell filt = vtk.vtkCellCenters() filt.SetInputDataObject(vtk_output) filt.Update() cog_temp_s = dsa.WrapDataObject(filt.GetOutput()).Points cog_temp = fmt_sanity_check(cog_temp_s)"2/6 Calculation of cell centers finished") return cog_temp @timeit def assign_vtk2cell(cfg, cog_temp, spacing, dimZ, tolerance, trabmask): """ Assigns each triangle of the mesh to either the trabecular or cortical mask based on its center of gravity. Args: cfg (dict): Configuration object containing homogenization settings. cog_temp (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the center of gravity coordinates for each triangle. spacing (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the voxel spacing in x, y, and z directions. dimZ (float): Maximum z-coordinate of the mesh. tolerance (float): Tolerance for the cortical compartment. trabmask (numpy.ndarray): Array containing the trabecular mask. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the center of gravity coordinates and indices for the triangles assigned to the trabecular and cortical masks, respectively. """ mask_cog1, mask_cog2, mask_cog3 = __mask_cogs__(cog_temp, spacing) mask_cog = np.array([mask_cog1, mask_cog2, mask_cog3], dtype=np.int32).transpose() dimZ_min_tolerance = dimZ - tolerance ( cog_points_trab, indices_trab, cog_points_cort, indices_cort, ) = __assign_to_mask__( cfg, cog_temp, trabmask, mask_cog, dimZ_min_tolerance, tolerance )"3/6 Assignment of vtk cells to trabecular and cortical mask finished") return cog_points_trab, indices_trab, cog_points_cort, indices_cort @timeit def compute_cell_normals(STL): """ Computes the normal vectors of the cells in a triangulated surface. Args: STL (vtk.vtkPolyData): The triangulated surface. Returns: Tuple[vtk.vtkDataArray, vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals]: The vtkDataArray containing the normal vectors of the cells and the vtkPolyDataNormals object. """ # calc cell normals and dyadic product vtkNormals = vtk.vtkPolyDataNormals() vtkNormals.SetInputData(STL) vtkNormals.ComputeCellNormalsOn() vtkNormals.ComputePointNormalsOff() vtkNormals.ConsistencyOn() vtkNormals.AutoOrientNormalsOn() # Only works with closed surface. All Normals will point outward. vtkNormals.Update() PointNormalArray = vtkNormals.GetOutput().GetCellData().GetNormals()"4a/6 Cell normals calculated") return PointNormalArray, vtkNormals @timeit def get_area_dyadic( cfg, area_cort: np.ndarray, area_trab: np.ndarray, dyadic_cort: list[np.ndarray], dyadic_trab: list[np.ndarray], ): """ Computes the area dyadic, which represents the multiplication of the area with the cross-product of the normals of each triangle. Args: cfg (dict): Configuration object containing homogenization settings. area_cort (numpy.ndarray): An array of cortical area values. area_trab (numpy.ndarray): An array of trabecular area values. dyadic_cort (list[numpy.ndarray]): A list of cortical dyadic product values. dyadic_trab (list[numpy.ndarray]): A list of trabecular dyadic product values. Returns: - Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: A tuple containing the computed cortical and trabecular area dyadic values. """ if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: areadyadic_cort = None else: reshaped_area_cort = np.reshape(area_cort, (-1, 1, 1)) reshaped_area_trab = np.reshape(area_trab, (-1, 1, 1)) if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: areadyadic_cort = None else: areadyadic_cort = np.multiply(reshaped_area_cort, dyadic_cort) areadyadic_trab = np.multiply(reshaped_area_trab, dyadic_trab)"6/6 Computation dyadic areas finished") return areadyadic_cort, areadyadic_trab
[docs] def smooth_kernel(MSL: np.ndarray, ROI_kernel_size: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Applies a smoothing kernel to a 3D numpy array. Args: MSL (np.ndarray): A 3D numpy array representing the input data. ROI_kernel_size (int): The size of the smoothing kernel. Returns: np.ndarray: A 3D numpy array representing the smoothed data. Examples: >>> data = np.random.rand(10, 10, 10) >>> smoothed_data = smooth_kernel(data, 3) """ kernel = np.ones([ROI_kernel_size, ROI_kernel_size, ROI_kernel_size]) kernel = kernel[:, :, :, None, None] MSL_kernel = convolve(MSL, kernel, mode="constant", cval=0.0) return MSL_kernel
@timeit def msl_triangulation(cfg, SEG_array, cortmask, trabmask, spacing, tolerance): """ Evaluates MSL fabric tensors for cortical and trabecular regions by triangulating the surface. Args: cfg (dict): Configuration object containing homogenization settings. SEG_array (numpy.ndarray): Image array of segmentation. cortmask (numpy.ndarray): Binary cortical mask image. trabmask (numpy.ndarray): Binary trabecular mask image. spacing (list): List of spacing in 3D. tolerance (float): Tolerance value for the triangulation process. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following elements: - cog_points_cort (numpy.ndarray): Center of gravity of triangles in cortical phase. - cog_points_trab (numpy.ndarray): Center of gravity of triangles in trabecular phase. - areadyadic_cort (numpy.ndarray): Area-weighted dyadic product of cortical triangles. - areadyadic_trab (numpy.ndarray): Area-weighted dyadic product of trabecular triangles. - nfacet_range (numpy.ndarray): Number of triangles in specific phase. - indices_cort (numpy.ndarray): Indices of triangles in cortical phase. - indices_trab (numpy.ndarray): Indices of triangles in trabecular phase. Notes ----- - The function is based on the original code by D. Schenk (2018-2022) - Adaptation of assign_MSL_triangulation function to account for the transformation (M. Indermaur, 2023) - Improved memory and CPU time performance (S. Poncioni, 2023) - Cortical compartment as transverse isotropic material, uses cortical mask to calculate (S. Poncioni, 2024) """ # TODO: mask SEG_vtk with size of trabmask (we don't calculate everything also for cortex) ORTHOTROPIC_CORTEX = cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex if ORTHOTROPIC_CORTEX is True: # mask SEG_vtk with trabmask with boolean # SEG_array = np.where(trabmask, SEG_array, 0) pass # * 0/6 Input sanity check try: dimZ = (np.shape(SEG_array) * spacing)[2] except TypeError: spacing = np.array([spacing[0], spacing[1], spacing[2]]) dimZ = (np.shape(SEG_array) * spacing)[2] SEG_vtk, trabmask, cortmask, spacing, tolerance, dimZ = input_sanity_check( SEG_array, trabmask, cortmask, spacing, tolerance, dimZ ) # * 1/6 STL file creation for trabecular compartment surfnet_output = surface_nets( SEG_vtk, output_mesh_type="tri", output_style="boundary", smoothing=True, decimate=True, smoothing_num_iterations=10, ) del SEG_vtk gc.collect() # * 2/6 Calculation of Number of cells cog_temp = get_cell_centers(surfnet_output) nfacet = surfnet_output.GetNumberOfCells() # * 3/6 Computation COG ( cog_points_trab, indices_trab, cog_points_cort, indices_cort, ) = assign_vtk2cell( cfg, cog_temp, spacing, dimZ, tolerance, trabmask, ) # * 4/6 Computation cell normals and dyadic products PointNormalArray, vtkNormals = compute_cell_normals(surfnet_output) dyadic_cort, dyadic_trab = compute_dyadic_product_einsum( cfg, PointNormalArray, indices_cort, indices_trab ) del ( cog_temp, surfnet_output, PointNormalArray, ) gc.collect() # * 5/6 Computation of the cell area area_cort, area_trab = compute_cell_area( cfg, vtkNormals, indices_cort, indices_trab ) # * 6/6 Computation of the area dyadic areadyadic_cort, areadyadic_trab = get_area_dyadic( cfg, area_cort, area_trab, dyadic_cort, dyadic_trab ) nfacet_range = np.arange(nfacet) return ( cog_points_cort, cog_points_trab, areadyadic_cort, areadyadic_trab, nfacet_range, indices_cort, indices_trab, )
[docs] def compute_msl_spline(bone: dict, cfg: dict) -> dict: """ Computes the mean surface length (MSL) for a given bone image and configuration. Args: bone (dict): A dictionary containing bone data, including spacing, segmentation arrays, and masks. cfg (dict): A configuration dictionary containing homogenization parameters. Returns: dict: The updated bone dictionary with computed MSL spline values. """ # read config dict STL_tolerance = cfg.homogenization.STL_tolerance ROI_kernel_size_cort = cfg.homogenization.ROI_kernel_size_cort ROI_kernel_size_trab = cfg.homogenization.ROI_kernel_size_trab # read bone dict spacing = bone["Spacing"] SEG_array = bone["SEG_array"] TRABMASK_array = bone["TRABMASK_array"] CORTMASK_array = bone["CORTMASK_array"] ( cog_points_cort, cog_points_trab, areadyadic_cort, areadyadic_trab, nfacet_range, indices_cort, indices_trab, ) = msl_triangulation( cfg, SEG_array, CORTMASK_array, TRABMASK_array, spacing, STL_tolerance ) # ? maybe I won't need to copy these into the bone dict (POS, 10.07.2023) bone["cog_points_cort"] = cog_points_cort bone["cog_points_trab"] = cog_points_trab bone["areadyadic_cort"] = areadyadic_cort bone["areadyadic_trab"] = areadyadic_trab bone["nfacet"] = nfacet_range bone["indizes_cort"] = indices_cort bone["indizes_trab"] = indices_trab DIMS = np.floor(np.array(bone["BVTVscaled"].shape) / bone["CoarseFactor"]) DIMS_int = DIMS.astype(int) # Assign areadyadic values # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Each areadyadic value of a triangle is added to the pool of FE element it's lying in if cfg.homogenization.orthotropic_cortex is True: MSL_values_cort = None MSL_kernel_list_cort = None # Calculate projected eigenvector from cortical mask ( evect_origin, evect, ) = clustered_point_normals(cfg, CORTMASK_array, TRABMASK_array, spacing) bone["evect_origin"] = evect_origin bone["cort_projection_evect"] = evect else: MSL_values_cort = map_isosurface( cog_points_cort, areadyadic_cort, DIMS=DIMS_int ) MSL_kernel_cort = smooth_kernel(MSL_values_cort, ROI_kernel_size_cort) MSL_kernel_cort = np.transpose(MSL_kernel_cort, (2, 1, 0, 3, 4)) MSL_kernel_list_cort = np.reshape( MSL_kernel_cort, (int(np.size(MSL_kernel_cort) / 9), 3, 3) ) MSL_values_trab = map_isosurface(cog_points_trab, areadyadic_trab, DIMS=DIMS_int) MSL_kernel_trab = smooth_kernel(MSL_values_trab, ROI_kernel_size_trab) # transpose to conventional orientation MSL_kernel_trab = np.transpose(MSL_kernel_trab, (2, 1, 0, 3, 4)) MSL_kernel_list_trab = np.reshape( MSL_kernel_trab, (int(np.size(MSL_kernel_trab) / 9), 3, 3) ) bone["MSL_kernel_list_trab"] = MSL_kernel_list_trab bone["MSL_kernel_list_cort"] = MSL_kernel_list_cort return bone
[docs] def set_summary_variables(bone): """ Computes variables for summary file """ # get bone values BMDscaled = bone["BMDscaled"] BVTVscaled = bone["BVTVscaled"] CORTMASK_array = bone["CORTMASK_array"] CORTMASK_array[CORTMASK_array > 0] = 1 TRABMASK_array = bone["TRABMASK_array"] TRABMASK_array[TRABMASK_array > 0] = 1 MASK_array = np.add(CORTMASK_array, TRABMASK_array) # MASK_array[MASK_array > 0] = 1 FEelSize = bone["FEelSize"] Spacing = bone["Spacing"] RHOc_array = bone["RHOc_array"] RHOc_FE_array = bone["RHOc_FE_array"] PHIc_array = bone["PHIc_array"] RHOt_array = bone["RHOt_array"] RHOt_FE_array = bone["RHOt_FE_array"] PHIt_array = bone["PHIt_array"] RHOc_orig_array = bone["RHOc_orig_array"] RHOt_orig_array = bone["RHOt_orig_array"] # Computation of variables for summary file # ------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------ variables = {} # Mask volume [mm^3] # ------------------------------------------------------ # Mask volume from MASK array variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] = np.sum(CORTMASK_array * Spacing[1] ** 3) variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] = np.sum(TRABMASK_array * Spacing[1] ** 3) variables["Mask_Volume_MASK"] = ( variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] + variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] ) # Mask volume from FE elememts variables["CORTMask_Volume_FE"] = np.sum(PHIc_array * FEelSize[1] ** 3) variables["TRABMask_Volume_FE"] = np.sum(PHIt_array * FEelSize[1] ** 3) # Ratio quality check mesh variables["CORTVolume_ratio"] = ( variables["CORTMask_Volume_FE"] / variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] ) variables["TRABVolume_ratio"] = ( variables["TRABMask_Volume_FE"] / variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] ) variables["TOTVolume_ratio"] = ( variables["TRABMask_Volume_FE"] + variables["CORTMask_Volume_FE"] ) / (variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] + variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"]) # BMD computation [mgHA/ccm] # ------------------------------------------------------ variables["TOT_mean_BMD_image"] = np.mean(BMDscaled[MASK_array > 0]) variables["CORT_mean_BMD_image"] = np.mean(BMDscaled[CORTMASK_array > 0]) variables["TRAB_mean_BMD_image"] = np.mean(BMDscaled[TRABMASK_array > 0]) # BMC variables["TOT_mean_BMC_image"] = ( np.mean(BMDscaled[MASK_array > 0]) * variables["Mask_Volume_MASK"] / 1000 ) variables["CORT_mean_BMC_image"] = ( np.mean(BMDscaled[CORTMASK_array > 0]) * variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_mean_BMC_image"] = ( np.mean(BMDscaled[TRABMASK_array > 0]) * variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] / 1000 ) variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOc_array * PHIc_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOc_orig_array * PHIc_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOt_array * PHIt_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOt_orig_array * PHIt_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] + variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] ) variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] + variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] ) # Quality check # corrected, with BMC conversion variables["TRAB_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["TRAB_mean_BMC_image"] ) variables["CORT_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["CORT_mean_BMC_image"] ) variables["TOT_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["TOT_mean_BMC_image"] ) # original, without correction variables["TRAB_BMC_ratio_orig_ROI"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] / variables["TRAB_mean_BMC_image"] ) variables["CORT_BMC_ratio_orig_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] / variables["CORT_mean_BMC_image"] ) variables["TOT_BMC_ratio_orig_ROI"] = ( variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] / variables["TOT_mean_BMC_image"] ) # BVTV computation [%] # ------------------------------------------------------ # mean tissue BVTV variables["TOT_BVTV_tissue"] = np.mean(BVTVscaled[MASK_array == 1]) variables["CORT_BVTV_tissue"] = np.mean(BVTVscaled[CORTMASK_array == 1]) variables["TRAB_BVTV_tissue"] = np.mean(BVTVscaled[TRABMASK_array == 1]) # BVTV from FE elements, but only in ROI variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOc_array * PHIc_array ) / np.sum(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOt_array * PHIt_array ) / np.sum(PHIt_array) variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOc_orig_array * PHIc_array ) / np.sum(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_orig_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOt_orig_array * PHIt_array ) / np.sum(PHIt_array) variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ELEM"] = np.sum( RHOc_FE_array * PHIc_array ) / np.sum(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ELEM"] = np.sum( RHOt_FE_array * PHIt_array ) / np.sum(PHIt_array) # BVTV from FE elements, including full element volume (as well volume of FE elements outside of mask) variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOc_array * PHIc_array ) / len(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOt_array * PHIt_array ) / len(PHIt_array) variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_orig_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOc_orig_array * PHIc_array ) / len(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_orig_ROI"] = np.sum( RHOt_orig_array * PHIt_array ) / len(PHIt_array) variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_ELEM"] = np.sum( RHOc_array * PHIc_array ) / len(PHIc_array) variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_ELEM"] = np.sum( RHOt_array * PHIt_array ) / len(PHIt_array) variables["TOT_simulation_BVTV_FE_elements_ELEM"] = ( np.sum(RHOt_array * PHIt_array) + np.sum(RHOc_array + PHIc_array) ) / (len(PHIt_array) + len(PHIc_array)) variables["CORT_BVTV_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["CORT_BVTV_tissue"] ) variables["TRAB_BVTV_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["TRAB_BVTV_tissue"] ) variables["CORT_BVTV_ratio_ELEM"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ELEM"] / variables["CORT_BVTV_tissue"] ) variables["TRAB_BVTV_ratio_ELEM"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BVTV_FE_tissue_ELEM"] / variables["TRAB_BVTV_tissue"] ) # Bone volume BV [mm^3] variables["TOT_BV_tissue"] = ( variables["TOT_BVTV_tissue"] * variables["Mask_Volume_MASK"] ) variables["CORT_BV_tissue"] = ( variables["CORT_BVTV_tissue"] * variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] ) variables["TRAB_BV_tissue"] = ( variables["TRAB_BVTV_tissue"] * variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] ) # BMC [mgHA] # ------------------------------------------------------ # tissue BMC from mask and BMD image variables["TOT_BMC_tissue"] = ( variables["TOT_mean_BMD_image"] * variables["Mask_Volume_MASK"] / 1000 ) variables["CORT_BMC_tissue"] = ( variables["CORT_mean_BMD_image"] * variables["Mask_Volume_CORTMASK"] / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_BMC_tissue"] = ( variables["TRAB_mean_BMD_image"] * variables["Mask_Volume_TRABMASK"] / 1000 ) # BMC FE tissue (BVTV that FE simulation uses --> homogenized as ROI is bigger than FE element) variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOc_array * PHIc_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( np.sum(RHOt_array * PHIt_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] + variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] ) # BMC FE tissue that should be equal to total tissue BMC, as only RHO inside FE element is considered. variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] = ( np.sum(RHOc_FE_array * PHIc_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] = ( np.sum(RHOt_FE_array * PHIt_array * FEelSize[0] ** 3 * 1200) / 1000 ) variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] + variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] ) # Ratio quality check mesh variables["TOT_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["TOT_BMC_tissue"] ) variables["CORT_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["CORT_BMC_tissue"] ) variables["TRAB_BMC_ratio_ROI"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ROI"] / variables["TRAB_BMC_tissue"] ) variables["TOT_BMC_ratio_ELEM"] = ( variables["TOT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] / variables["TOT_BMC_tissue"] ) variables["CORT_BMC_ratio_ELEM"] = ( variables["CORT_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] / variables["CORT_BMC_tissue"] ) variables["TRAB_BMC_ratio_ELEM"] = ( variables["TRAB_simulation_BMC_FE_tissue_ELEM"] / variables["TRAB_BMC_tissue"] ) return variables