Source code for write_abaqus

import logging
import textwrap
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGING_NAME)
logger.propagate = False

# flake8: noqa: E501

[docs] def timefunc(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.time() elapsed_time = end_time - start_time round_el_time = round(elapsed_time, 0) f"{func.__name__} for {args[0].part_name} took {round_el_time} s to execute." ) return result return wrapper
[docs] class AbaqusWriter:
[docs] def __init__( self, cfg, mesh_dir: Path, model_name: str, nodes: dict[int, list[float]], elms: dict[int, list[int]], centroids_cort: dict[int, list[float]], centroids_trab: dict[int, list[float]], m_cort_np: np.ndarray, m_trab_np: np.ndarray, RHOc: np.ndarray, RHOt: np.ndarray, PHIc: np.ndarray, PHIt: np.ndarray, mm_cort: np.ndarray, mm_trab: np.ndarray, topnodes: dict[int, int], botnodes: dict[int, int], RP_tag: int, RP_coords: list[float], NLGEOM: str, STEP_INC: int = 1000, PARAM_FLAG: int = 2, DENSIFICATOR_FLAG: int = 0, VISCOSITY_FLAG: int = 0, POSTYIELD_FLAG: int = 0, ): """ Initializes an instance of the AbaqusWriter class. Args: - config: Dictionary containing the configuration parameters for the whole pipeline. - mesh_dir: Path to the directory containing the mesh files. - model_name: a string containing the name of the model. # ! to be substituted with the name coming from the config - nodes: a dictionary containing the node IDs and their corresponding coordinates. - elms: a dictionary containing the element IDs and their corresponding node IDs. - centroids: a dictionary containing the element IDs and their corresponding centroids. - botnodes: a dictionary containing the bottom nodes of the model. - topnodes: a dictionary containing the top nodes of the model. - RP_tag: an integer representing the tag of the reference point. - RP_coords: a list containing the coordinates of the reference point. - NLGEOM: a string indicating whether or not to use non-linear geometry. - STEP_INC: an integer representing the step increment for the simulation. - PARAM_FLAG: an integer representing the parameter selection (0: TRABECULAR BONE ISOTROPIC, 1: TRABECULAR BONE TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC, 2: TRABECULAR BONE FABRIC-BASED ORTHOTROPIC, 3: COMPACT BONE ISOTROPIC, 4: COMPACT BONE TRANSVERSELY ISOTROPIC) - DENSIFICATOR_FLAG: an integer activating the densificator in the UMAT (0: off, 1: on) - VISCOSITY_FLAG: an integer representing the viscosity flag (0: RATE-INDEPENDENT, 1: LINEAR VISCOSITY, 2: EXPONENTIAL VISC, 3: LOGARITHMIC VISC, 4: POLYNOMIAL VISC, 5: POWER LAW VISC) - POSTYIELD_FLAG: an integer representing the postyield behaviour (0 - PERFECT PLASTICITY, 1: EXPONENTIAL HARDENING, 2: SIMPLE SOFTENING, 3: EXPONENTIAL SOFTENING, 4: PIECEWISE SOFTENING, 5: LINEAR HARDENING) """ self.cfg = cfg self.model_name = model_name self.mesh_dir = mesh_dir self.nodes = nodes self.elms = elms self.centroids_cort = centroids_cort self.centroids_trab = centroids_trab self.m_cort_np = m_cort_np self.m_trab_np = m_trab_np self.RHOc = RHOc self.RHOt = RHOt self.PHIc = PHIc self.PHIt = PHIt self.mm_cort = mm_cort self.mm_trab = mm_trab self.botnodes = botnodes self.topnodes = topnodes self.part_name = f"{self.model_name}" self.RP_tag = RP_tag self.RP_coords = RP_coords self.STEP_INC = STEP_INC self.NLGEOM = NLGEOM self.abq_dict = {} self.param_flag = PARAM_FLAG self.densificator_flag = DENSIFICATOR_FLAG self.viscosity_flag = VISCOSITY_FLAG self.postyield_flag = POSTYIELD_FLAG
[docs] def _write_header(self): """ Writes the header section of the Abaqus input file. Returns: - A string containing the header section of the Abaqus input file. """ header = f"""*Heading ** HFE-ACCURATE SIMULATION INPUT FILE ** Model name: {self.model_name} ({self.cfg.version.site_bone}) ** Generated by Simone Poncioni, MSB * Preprint, echo=YES, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO """ return "".join( line.lstrip() for line in textwrap.dedent(header).splitlines(True) )
[docs] def _write_parts(self): """ Writes the parts section of the Abaqus input file. Returns: - A string containing the parts section of the Abaqus input file. """ parts = "**\n** PARTS\n**\n" parts += f"*Part, name={self.part_name}\n" return parts
[docs] def _write_nodes(self, nodes): """ Writes the nodes section of the Abaqus input file. Args: - nodes: a dictionary containing the node IDs and their corresponding coordinates. Returns: - A string containing the nodes section of the Abaqus input file. """ nodes_str = f"*Node\n" for key, value in nodes.items(): nodes_str += f"{key}, {value[0]}, {value[1]}, {value[2]}\n" return nodes_str
[docs] def _get_depvars(self, nb_depvars=26): """ Writes the DEPVAR section of the Abaqus input file. Args: - nb_depvars: an integer representing the number of dependent variables. Returns: - A string containing the DEPVAR section of the Abaqus input file. """ depvars = f"""2, DMG, Damage 15, BVTVc, BVTVC 16, BVTVt, BVTVT 17, PBVc, PBVC 18, PBVt, PBVT 22, OFvalue, OF 23, F11, F11 24, F12, F12 25, F13, F13 26, F21, F21 27, F22, F22 28, F23, F23 29, F31, F31 30, F32, F32 31, F33, F33""" return "".join( line.lstrip() for line in textwrap.dedent(depvars).splitlines(True) )
[docs] def _write_elset(self, elms: dict[int, list[int]]): """ Writes the ELSET section of the Abaqus input file. Args: - elms: a dictionary containing the element IDs and their corresponding node IDs. Returns: - A string containing the ELSET section of the Abaqus input file. """ elset = "**\n** ELSETS\n**\n" for key, _ in elms.items(): elset += f"*Elset, elset=Elset-{key}\n" elset += f"{key},\n" return elset
[docs] def _set_orientation(self, orientation: np.ndarray, centroids: list[float]): """ Sets the orientation of the element based on the given orientation and centroids. Orientation offset sets the coordinate system at the centroid of the element. Args: orientation (np.ndarray): The orientation of the element as a 3x3 matrix. centroids (list[float]): The centroids of the element as a list of three floats. Returns: np.ndarray: The orientation of the element with the centroids added to it. """ orientation_r = orientation.flatten() # sum the centroid's coordinates to the orientation (twice) orientation_offset = orientation_r[:-3] + np.tile(centroids, 2) # Add the last three values of the orientation orientation_offset = np.append(orientation_offset, centroids) return orientation_offset
[docs] def _set_orientation_new(self, orientation: np.ndarray): """ Sets the orientation of the element based on the given orientation and centroids. Orientation offset sets the coordinate system at the centroid of the element. Args: orientation (np.ndarray): The orientation of the element as a 3x3 matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: The orientation of the element. """ mm = np.array( [ orientation[0][0], orientation[1][0], orientation[2][0], orientation[0][1], orientation[1][1], orientation[2][1], ] ) # round to 3 decimals # TODO: test functionality (is this necessary?) mm = np.round(mm, 3) return mm.flatten()
[docs] def _write_orientation(self, abq_dict: dict[int, list[int]]) -> str: """ Writes the orientation definition for each element set in the input dictionary. Args: - elms (dict[int, list[int]]): A dictionary containing the element sets for each element. Returns: - orientation (str): A string containing the orientation definition for each element set. """ orientation = "**\n** ORIENTATIONS\n**\n" # Loop over each element set in the input dictionary for key, value in abq_dict.items(): # orientation += f"*Orientation, name=Orient-{key}, SYSTEM=RECTANGULAR, DEFINITION=COORDINATES\n" orientation += f"*Orientation, name=Orient-{key}\n" # ori = self._set_orientation(value["mm"], value["centroid"]) ori = self._set_orientation_new(value["mm"]) orientation += ", ".join(map(str, ori)) orientation += "\n" # orientation += "1, 0\n" orientation += "1, 0.\n" return orientation
[docs] def _write_section(self, elms: dict[int, list[int]]) -> str: """ Writes the section definition for each element set in the input dictionary. Args: - elms (dict[int, list[int]]): A dictionary containing the element sets for each element. Returns: - section (str): A string containing the section definition for each element set. """ section = "**\n** SECTIONS\n**\n" for key, _ in elms.items(): section += f"*Solid Section, elset=Elset-{key}, material=Material-{key}, orientation=Orient-{key}\n" section += f",\n" return section
[docs] def _write_elms(self, elms: dict[int, list[int]]) -> str: """ Returns the Abaqus input file for the elements. Args: elms (dict[int, list[int]]): A dictionary containing the element IDs and their corresponding node IDs. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the elements. """ elms_str = "" element_type = None gmsh_to_abq_sort = list(range(27)) if len(elms[1]) == 8: element_type = "C3D8" # 8-node hexahedron elif len(elms[1]) == 27: # sorting elements from gmsh connectivity to abq connectivity gmsh_to_abq_sort = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 9, 16, 18, 19, 17, 10, 12, 14, 15, 26, 20, 25, 21, 23, 24, 22, ] element_type = "C3D27" elms_str += f"*Element, type={element_type}\n" sorted_values = [] for key, values in elms.items(): if element_type == "C3D27": sorted_values = [values[i] for i in gmsh_to_abq_sort] elif element_type == "C3D8": sorted_values = values values_str = ", ".join(map(str, sorted_values)) full_str = f"{key}, {values_str}" elms_str += f"{full_str}\n" return elms_str
[docs] def _write_material(self, abq_dict: dict): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for the material properties. Args: elms (dict[int, list[int]]): A dictionary containing the element IDs and their corresponding node IDs. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the material properties. """ umat_name = Path(self.cfg.abaqus.umat).name if umat_name == "UMAT_BIPHASIC.f": constants_number = int(7) constants_comment = str( "**BVTVcort, BVTVtrab, BPVcort, BPVtrab, eigenvalue min, eigenvalue mid, eigenvalue max" ) i_nb_depvars = 31 depvars = self._get_depvars(nb_depvars=i_nb_depvars) elif umat_name == "UMAT_QUADRIC_PRIMAL.f": constants_number = int(9) constants_comment = str( "**Parameter flag, BVTVbone, BPVbone, eigenvalue min, eigenvalue mid, eigenvalue max, densificator flag, viscosity flag, postyield flag" ) i_nb_depvars = 22 else: raise ValueError("UMAT not recognized") material = "**\n** MATERIALS\n**\n" for key, value in abq_dict.items(): material_name = f"Material-{key}" material += f"*Material, name={material_name}\n" material += f"*User material, constants={constants_number}, UNSYMM, Type=Mechanical\n" material += f"{constants_comment}\n" m = ", ".join(map(str, value["m"].flatten())) if umat_name == "UMAT_BIPHASIC.f": constants = [ np.round(value["RHOc"], 5), np.round(value["RHOt"], 5), np.round(value["PHIc"], 5), np.round(value["PHIt"], 5), m, ] material += ", ".join(map(str, constants)) material += "\n" elif umat_name == "UMAT_QUADRIC_PRIMAL.f": constants = [ self.param_flag, value["RHO"], value["PHI"], m, self.densificator_flag, self.viscosity_flag, ] material += ", ".join(map(str, constants)) material += "\n" material += ( str(self.postyield_flag) + "\n" ) # avoids having >8 params per line else: raise ValueError("UMAT not recognized") material += f"*Depvar\n{i_nb_depvars}\n{depvars}\n" return material
[docs] def _write_boundary_conditions(self, BC_DEF: list[int], BOTNODES: str): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for boundary conditions. Args: BC_DEF (list[int]): A list containing the boundary condition values. BOTNODES (str): The name of the bottom nodes. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for boundary conditions. """ return f"**\n** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS\n**\n*Boundary, Type=Displacement\n{self.part_name}.{BOTNODES}, {BC_DEF[0]}, {BC_DEF[1]}, {BC_DEF[2]}\n"
[docs] def _write_ref_node(self, RP_TAG: int, RP: list[float]): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for a reference node. Args: RP_TAG (int): The tag of the reference point. RP (list[float]): The coordinates of the reference point. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for a reference node. """ return f"*Node\n{RP_TAG}, {RP[0]}, {RP[1]}, {RP[2]}\n"
[docs] def _write_nset(self, NSET: str, NSET_DICT: dict[int, int]): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for a node set. Args: NSET (str): The name of the node set. NSET_DICT (dict[int, int]): A dictionary containing the node IDs and their values. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the header and values lines of the Abaqus input file for a node set. """ head = f"*NSET, NSET={NSET}\n" values = list(NSET_DICT.keys()) values_chunks = [values[i : i + 8] for i in range(0, len(values), 8)] values_lines = "" for chunk in values_chunks: values_str = ",\t".join("{:<4}".format(str(x)) for x in chunk) values_lines += f"{values_str}\n" return head, values_lines
[docs] def _write_kin_coupling(self, NSET: str, NODES: str): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for a kinematic coupling constraint. Args: NSET (str): The name of the reference node set. NODES (str): The name of the nodes set. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for a kinematic coupling constraint. """ constraint = "Kinematic-Coupling" surf_name = f"{self.part_name}-{NODES}_CNS_1" kin_coupl = f""" *Surface, type=NODE, name={surf_name}, internal {self.part_name}.{NODES}, 1. ** Constraint: {constraint} *Coupling, constraint name={constraint}, ref node={NSET}, surface={surf_name} *Kinematic """ return textwrap.dedent(kin_coupl)
[docs] def _write_step(self, STEP_INC: int, NLGEOM: str, step_name: str): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for a step. Args: STEP_INC (int): The increment for the step. NLGEOM (str): The type of geometry for the step. step_name (str): The name of the step. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for a step. """ if self.cfg.abaqus.nlgeom is True: NLGEOM = "YES" elif self.cfg.abaqus.nlgeom is False: NLGEOM = "NO" else: raise ValueError("nlgeom must be on or off in configuration file") str_comment = f"** STEP: Step-{step_name}\n**\n" str_step = f"*Step, name=Step-{step_name}, nlgeom={NLGEOM}, inc={STEP_INC}, Amplitude=RAMP, unsymm=YES\n" return str_comment + str_step
[docs] def _write_output(self): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for output requests. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for output requests. """ output = f"""** ** OUTPUT REQUESTS ** *OUTPUT, FIELD""" return "".join( line.lstrip() for line in textwrap.dedent(output).splitlines(True) )
[docs] def _write_output_history(self, REF_NODE: str): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for output history of a reference node. Args: REF_NODE (str): The reference node. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for output history of a reference node. """ out_hist = f""" *Node Output U, RF, CF, *Element Output, directions=YES SDV2, SDV15, SDV16, SDV17, SDV18, SDV22, SDV23, SDV24, SDV25, SDV26, SDV27, SDV28, SDV29, SDV30, SDV31, S, LE, COORD, SENER, ** HISTORY OUTPUT *Output, history *Node Output, nset={REF_NODE} U, RF *NODE PRINT, NSET=REF_NODE, FREQUENCY=1, SUMMARY=NO U, RF, CF, *End Step """ return textwrap.dedent(out_hist)
[docs] def _write_boundary_conditions_rp( self, RP_TAG: str, ): """ Returns the Abaqus input file for the boundary conditions of a Reference Point. Args: RP_TAG (str): The reference point tag. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the boundary conditions of a Reference Point. """ magnitude = self.cfg.loadcase.load_displacement DISPLACEMENT = [0, 0, magnitude, 0, 0, 0] bc_str = textwrap.dedent( f""" *Static ** Initial increment size, Time period, Min increment size, Max increment size {self.cfg.loadcase.start_step_size}, {self.cfg.loadcase.time_for_displacement}, {self.cfg.loadcase.min_step_size}, {self.cfg.loadcase.max_step_size} ** ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ** *Boundary, Type=Displacement {RP_TAG}, 1, 1, {DISPLACEMENT[0]} {RP_TAG}, 2, 2, {DISPLACEMENT[1]} {RP_TAG}, 3, 3, {DISPLACEMENT[2]} {RP_TAG}, 4, 4, {DISPLACEMENT[3]} {RP_TAG}, 5, 5, {DISPLACEMENT[4]} {RP_TAG}, 6, 6, {DISPLACEMENT[5]} """ ) return bc_str
[docs] def abq_part(self): """ Returns information at the part level (Part + Instance). Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the part. """ header = self._write_header() parts = self._write_parts() nodes = self._write_nodes(nodes=self.nodes) elements = self._write_elms(elms=self.elms) BOTNODES_header, BOTNODES_SET = self._write_nset("BOTNODES", self.botnodes) TOPNODES_header, TOPNODES_SET = self._write_nset("TOPNODES", self.topnodes) part_t0 = header + parts + nodes + elements + "\n" gen_nset = f"*Nset, nset={self.part_name}, generate\n1, {len(self.nodes)}, 1\n" gen_elset_cort = f"*Elset, elset={self.part_name}_CORT, generate\n{min(self.centroids_cort)}, {max(self.centroids_cort)}, 1\n" gen_elset_trab = f"*Elset, elset={self.part_name}_TRAB, generate\n{min(self.centroids_trab)}, {max(self.centroids_trab)}, 1\n" part_t1 = gen_nset + gen_elset_cort + gen_elset_trab part_t2 = BOTNODES_header + BOTNODES_SET + TOPNODES_header + TOPNODES_SET elsets = self._write_elset(self.elms) sections = self._write_section(self.elms) orientation = self._write_orientation(self.abq_dict) part_t3 = elsets + sections + orientation part = part_t0 + part_t1 + part_t2 + part_t3 part += "*End Part\n" return part
[docs] def abq_assembly(self): """ Returns information at the assembly level (Assembly + Model Instance). Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the assembly. """ assembly_statement = "**\n** ASSEMBLY\n**\n" assembly = "*Assembly, name=Assembly\n**\n" instance: Literal[ f"*Instance, name={self.part_name}, part={self.part_name}\n" ] = f"*Instance, name={self.part_name}, part={self.part_name}\n" end_instance = "*End Instance\n**\n" ref_node = self._write_ref_node(self.RP_tag, self.RP_coords) # write dictionary of RP tag with index and tag to pass it to _write_nset RP_dict = {self.RP_tag: self.RP_tag} ref_node_set = self._write_nset("REF_NODE", RP_dict) ref_node_set_coupling = self._write_kin_coupling("REF_NODE", "TOPNODES") end_assembly = "*End Assembly\n" abq_assembly = ( assembly_statement + assembly + instance + end_instance + ref_node + ref_node_set[0] # header + ref_node_set[1] # set + ref_node_set_coupling + end_assembly ) return abq_assembly
[docs] def abq_model(self): """ Writes the Abaqus input file for the model. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the model. """ materials = self._write_material(self.abq_dict) # materials = self._write_material_test(self.abq_dict) boundary_conditions = self._write_boundary_conditions([1, 3, 0], "BOTNODES") spacing = ( "** ----------------------------------------------------------------\n**\n" ) step = self._write_step(self.STEP_INC, self.NLGEOM, step_name="Compression") boundary_conditions_ref_point = self._write_boundary_conditions_rp( RP_TAG="REF_NODE" ) model = ( materials + boundary_conditions + spacing + step + boundary_conditions_ref_point ) return model
[docs] def abq_history(self): """ Writes the Abaqus input file for the output history. Returns: str: The Abaqus input file for the output history. """ output = self._write_output() output_history = self._write_output_history(REF_NODE="REF_NODE") history = output + output_history return history
[docs] @timefunc def abaqus_writer(self, _ver: str): """ Writes the Abaqus input file for the current part. Returns: None """ inp_path = Path(f"{self.mesh_dir}/{self.part_name}_V_{_ver}.inp") with open(inp_path, "w") as f: f.write(self.abq_part()) f.write(self.abq_assembly()) f.write(self.abq_model()) f.write(self.abq_history())"Input file saved in {inp_path.absolute()}") return inp_path
[docs] def abq_dictionary(self, umat_name: str): # concatenate cort with trab self.m = np.concatenate((self.m_cort_np, self.m_trab_np), axis=0) = np.concatenate((self.mm_cort, self.mm_trab), axis=0) # make RHOc, RHOt, PHIc, PHIt a dictionary with element number as key self.RHOc = {i: self.RHOc[idx] for idx, i in enumerate(self.centroids_cort)} self.RHOt = {i: self.RHOt[idx] for idx, i in enumerate(self.centroids_trab)} self.PHIc = {i: self.PHIc[idx] for idx, i in enumerate(self.centroids_cort)} self.PHIt = {i: self.PHIt[idx] for idx, i in enumerate(self.centroids_trab)} abq_dict = {} # keys: element number # values: centroids, mm, elset, RHOc, RHOt, PHIc, PHIt # ! remember to change the name of the UMAT in the if statement if umat_name == "UMAT_BIPHASIC.f": for key, value in self.centroids_cort.items(): abq_dict[key] = { "centroid": value, "m": self.m[key - 1], "mm":[key - 1], "elset": self.elms[key], "RHOc": self.RHOc[key], "RHOt": 0, "PHIc": self.PHIc[key], "PHIt": 0, } # keys: element number # values: centroids, mm, elset, RHOc, RHOt, PHIc, PHIt for key, value in self.centroids_trab.items(): abq_dict[key] = { "centroid": value, "m": self.m[key - 1], "mm":[key - 1], "elset": self.elms[key], "RHOc": 0, "RHOt": self.RHOt[key], "PHIc": 0, "PHIt": self.PHIt[key], } elif umat_name == "UMAT_QUADRIC_PRIMAL.f": # merge cort and trab into single dictionary self.centroids = dict(self.centroids_cort) self.centroids.update(self.centroids_trab) self.RHO = dict(self.RHOc) self.RHO.update(self.RHOt) self.PHI = dict(self.PHIc) self.PHI.update(self.PHIt) # keys: element number # values: centroids, mm, elset, RHO, PHI for key, value in self.centroids.items(): abq_dict[key] = { "centroid": value, "m": self.m[key - 1], "mm":[key - 1], "elset": self.elms[key], "RHO": self.RHO[key], "PHI": self.PHI[key], } else: raise ValueError("UMAT not recognized") self.abq_dict = abq_dict return abq_dict