Source code for cortical_sanity

import math
from logging import Logger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import shapely.geometry as shpg
import shapely.ops as shpops
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy import spatial
from shapely.ops import unary_union

#'02_CODE/src/spline_mesher/cfgdir/pos_monitor.mplstyle')  #

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[docs] class CorticalSanityCheck: def __init__( self, MIN_THICKNESS: float, ext_contour: ndarray, int_contour: ndarray, model: str, save_plot: bool, logger: Logger, ) -> None: self.min_thickness = ( MIN_THICKNESS # minimum thickness between internal and external contour ) self.ext_contour = ext_contour # external contour self.int_contour = int_contour # internal contour self.model = str(model) self.save_plot = bool(save_plot) self.logger = logger
[docs] def unit_vector(self, vector): """ Returns the unit vector in numpy form Args: vector (numpy.ndarray): 2D numpy array, e.g. ([5, 5]) Returns: list: comprehension list of 2D unit vectors (calculated "row-by-row"), e.g. [0.7, 0.7] """ return [ vector[0] / np.linalg.norm(vector, axis=-1), vector[1] / np.linalg.norm(vector, axis=-1), ]
[docs] def ccw_angle(self, array1, array2, idx1, idx2): """ Returns the angle between two 2D arrays in the range [0, 2*pi) Args: array1 (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (2,) containing [x, y] coords array2 (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (2,) containing [x, y] coords Returns: numpy.ndarray: array of shape (1,) containing angles between array1 and array2 """ # Get the angle between the two arrays angle = np.arctan2(array2[idx2][:, 1], array2[idx2][:, 0]) - np.arctan2( array1[idx1][:, 1], array1[idx1][:, 0] ) # If the angle is negative, add 2*pi angle = np.where(angle < 0, angle + 2 * np.pi, angle) return angle
[docs] def convertRadiansToDegrees(self, radians): """Converts radians to degrees""" return radians * 180 / np.pi
[docs] def reset_numpy_index(self, arr, idx=1): """ Reset the index of a numpy array to a given index Legacy function, use numpy_roll_index() instead Args: arr (numpy.ndarray): entry array idx (int): index to reset to. Defaults to 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray: numpy array with index reset to idx """ return np.r_[arr[idx:, :], arr[:idx, :]]
[docs] def roll_index(self, arr, idx=1): """ Roll the index of a numpy array to a given index. A little faster than reset_numpy_index() Args: arr (numpy.ndarray): entry array idx (int): index to roll to. Defaults to 1. Returns: numpy.ndarray: numpy array with index rolled to idx """ return np.roll(arr, -idx, axis=0)
[docs] def is_angle_bigger_bool(self, alpha_int, alpha_ext): """ Returns True if alpha_int is bigger than alpha_ext, False otherwise If alpha_int is bigger than alpha_ext, then the internal angle is bigger than the external angle If np.nan, then return False and print a warning Else, return False Args: alpha_int (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (1,) containing internal angles alpha_ext (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (1,) containing external angles Raises: ValueError: print a warning if alpha_int or alpha_ext is np.nan (0-degree angle) RuntimeWarning: error if comparison is not possible Returns: numpy.ndarray: array containing True if alpha_int is bigger than alpha_ext, False otherwise """ if alpha_int >= alpha_ext: bool_angle = True elif alpha_int < alpha_ext: bool_angle = False elif alpha_ext == np.nan() or alpha_int == np.nan(): bool_angle = False raise ValueError("value is nan, 0-angle vector is undefined") else: bool_angle = False raise RuntimeWarning("angle comparison is not possible and/or edge case") return bool_angle
[docs] def center_of_mass(self, array: np.ndarray): """ Calculate the center of mass of a 2D array. This function computes the center of mass (centroid) of a given 2D array. The center of mass is calculated based on the sum of the array values and their respective coordinates. Args: array (np.ndarray): A 2D NumPy array representing the data. Returns: Tuple[float, float]: The x and y coordinates of the center of mass. """ total = array.sum() x_coord = (array.sum(axis=1) @ range(array.shape[0])) / total y_coord = (array.sum(axis=0) @ range(array.shape[1])) / total return x_coord, y_coord
[docs] def is_internal_radius_bigger_than_external(self, p_e_0, p_i_0, idx_ext, idx_int): """ Returns True if the internal radius is bigger than the external radius, False otherwise Args: p_e_0 (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (2,) containing external radius p_i_0 (numpy.ndarray): array of shape (2,) containing internal radius Returns: bool_radius: True if internal radius is bigger than external radius, False otherwise """ # check if internal radius is bigger than external radius element-wise and return boolean element-wise p_e_0_x = np.mean(p_e_0[:, 0]) p_e_0_y = np.mean(p_e_0[:, 1]) r_e = np.sqrt( (p_e_0[idx_ext][:, 0] - p_e_0_x) ** 2 + (p_e_0[idx_ext][:, 1] - p_e_0_y) ** 2 ) r_i = np.sqrt( (p_i_0[idx_int][:, 0] - p_e_0_x) ** 2 + (p_i_0[idx_int][:, 1] - p_e_0_y) ** 2 ) bool_radius = [r_e < r_i for (r_e, r_i) in zip(r_e, r_i)] return bool_radius
[docs] def is_internal_inside_external(self, p_e_0, p_i_0, idx_ext, idx_int): """ Rationale for deciding if internal contour is inside external contour based on the angle between the first and second point of the external contour, and the first point and the first point of the internal contour. Args: p_e_0 (numpy.ndarray): external contour p_i_0 (numpy.ndarray): internal contour Returns: list: Booleans where True if internal contour is OUTSIDE external contour, False otherwise pseudo-code: Pe: Point of external perimeter Pi: Point of internal perimeter P0: First point P1: Pivot point P2: Second point # Compute vectors between Pe0-Pe1 and Pe1-Pe2 # v1_e_u = ext[i+1] - ext[i] # v2_e_u = ext[i+2] - ext[i+1] # Compute angles between vectors # alpha_e = angle_between(v1_e_u, v2_e_u) # alpha_i = angle_between(v1_e_u, v2_i_u) """ p_e_1 = self.roll_index(p_e_0, idx=1) p_e_2 = self.roll_index(p_e_0, idx=2) # p_i_1 = self.roll_index(p_i_0, idx=1) alpha_ext = self.ccw_angle(p_e_2 - p_e_1, p_e_0 - p_e_1, idx_ext, idx_ext) alpha_int = self.ccw_angle( p_e_2 - p_e_1, p_i_0[idx_int] - p_e_1, idx_ext, idx_int ) boolean_angle = [ self.is_angle_bigger_bool(alpha_int, alpha_ext) for alpha_int, alpha_ext in zip(alpha_int, alpha_ext) ] return boolean_angle
[docs] def check_min_thickness(self, ext, int, idx_ext, idx_int, min_thickness=1): """ # ! delete this function if not used Checks thickness of ext, int arrays and returns a list of booleans of form [True, ..., False] where True means the thickness if below tolerance. Arguments: ext (numpy.ndarray): array of [x, y] points of external polygon int (numpy.ndarray): array of [x, y] points of internal polygon min_thickness (float): minimum thickness tolerance between ext/int Returns: bool_min_thickness (list): list indicating where the thickness is below tolerance """ dist_x = ext[idx_ext][:, 0] - int[idx_int][:, 0] dist_y = ext[idx_ext][:, 1] - int[idx_int][:, 1] dist = np.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2) bool_min_thickness = [i < min_thickness for i in dist] return bool_min_thickness
[docs] def correct_internal_point(self, arr, base_idx, dx, dy): """ Corrects [x, y] position of points of internal array Args: arr (ndarray): array of internal perimeter dx (float): normal component x * minimum thickness dy (float): normal component y * minimum thickness Returns: ndarray: new position of internal points in array 'arr' """ return np.array( [arr[base_idx[:, 0]][:, 0] - dy, arr[base_idx[:, 0]][:, 1] + dx] ).transpose()
[docs] def correct_intersection(self, ext_arr, int_arr, base_idx, dx, dy, bool_arr): """ Takes ext and int arrays and applies nodal displacement to the elements where bool_min_thickness == True Args: ext_arr (ndarray): array of [x, y] external points composing the perimeter int_arr (ndarray): array of [x, y] internal points composing the perimeter dx (float): normal component x * minimum thickness dy (float): normal component y * minimum thickness bool_min_thickness (list): list indicating where the thickness is below tolerance Returns: ndarray: new array of internal polygon """ bool_arr = bool_arr[:-1] ext_arr = ext_arr[:-1] base_idx = base_idx[:-1] corr_arr = int_arr dx = dx[:-1] dy = dy[:-1] for idx_, bool_ in enumerate(bool_arr[:-1]): if bool_ is True: corr_arr[idx_] = ( ext_arr[idx_][0] - dy[idx_], ext_arr[idx_][1] + dx[idx_], ) else: # find closest point closest_idx = self.KDT_nn(ext_arr[idx_], int_arr) ext_intp1_hyp = np.linalg.norm(ext_arr[idx_] - int_arr[closest_idx + 1]) ext_intm1_hyp = np.linalg.norm(ext_arr[idx_] - int_arr[closest_idx - 1]) if ext_intp1_hyp < ext_intm1_hyp: corr_arr[idx_] = self.project_point_on_line( ext_arr[idx_], int_arr[idx_], int_arr[idx_ + 1] ) elif ext_intm1_hyp > ext_intp1_hyp: corr_arr[idx_] = self.project_point_on_line( ext_arr[idx_], int_arr[idx_ - 1], int_arr[idx_] ) corr_arr = np.append(corr_arr, corr_arr[0].reshape(1, 2), axis=0) return corr_arr
[docs] def draw_arrow(self, ax, arr_start, arr_end, text, color): """ Helper that draws normals with arrow and vector annotation Args: ax (AxesSubplot): ax where to add the arrow arr_start (tuple): tuple of arrow starting point arr_end (tuple): tuple of arrow ending point text (str): string of text to add as annotation color (str): color of arrow + annotation """ dx = arr_end[0] - arr_start[0] dy = arr_end[1] - arr_start[1] ax.arrow( arr_start[0], arr_start[1], dx, dy, head_width=0.01, head_length=0.01, length_includes_head=True, color=color, ) ax.annotate( text, xy=(arr_end[0], arr_end[1]), xytext=(arr_end[0] - 25, arr_end[1] - 35), color=color, xycoords="data", textcoords="offset points", size=16, va="center", ) return None
[docs] def get_normals(self, xs, ys, ax1, ax2, thickness=1, debug=False): """ Get normal arrays point-wise for array [xs, ys] Args: xs (ndarray): x-component of contour array ys (ndarray): y-component of contour array ax1 (AxesSubplot): ax subplot 1 ax2 (AxesSubplot): ax subplot 2 thickness (int, optional): Minimum thickness of int-ext interface. Defaults to 1. Returns: dx_arr (ndarray): array of dx component of the normals dy_arr (ndarray): array of dy component of the normals dx_med (ndarray): array of resultant normal between (x_n and x_n+1) dy_med (ndarray): array of resultant normal between (y_n and y_n+1) """ dx_arr = np.zeros((len(xs)) - 1) # appending dx_arr[0] to the end dy_arr = np.zeros((len(ys)) - 1) # appending dy_arr[0] to the end for idx in range(len(xs) - 1): x0, y0, xa, ya = xs[idx], ys[idx], xs[idx + 1], ys[idx + 1] dx, dy = xa - x0, ya - y0 if debug is True: print(f"dx: {dx}, dy: {dy}") norm = math.hypot(dx, dy) * 1 / thickness if debug is True: print(f"norm: {norm}") dx /= norm dy /= norm dx_arr[idx] = dx dy_arr[idx] = dy ax1.plot( ((x0 + xa) / 2, (x0 + xa) / 2 - dy), ((y0 + ya) / 2, (y0 + ya) / 2 + dx), color="tab:grey", ) # plot the normals self.draw_arrow( ax2, (x0, y0), (x0 - dy, y0 + dx), text=" ", color="tab:grey" ) self.draw_arrow( ax2, (xa, ya), (xa - dy, ya + dx), text=" ", color="tab:grey" ) dx_arr = np.insert(dx_arr, 0, dx_arr[-1]) dy_arr = np.insert(dy_arr, 0, dy_arr[-1]) dx_arr = np.append(dx_arr, dx_arr[0]) dy_arr = np.append(dy_arr, dy_arr[0]) dx_med = np.zeros(len(dx_arr) - 1) for dx in range(len(dx_arr) - 1): dx_med_s = (dx_arr[dx] + dx_arr[dx + 1]) * 0.5 dx_med[dx] = dx_med_s dy_med = np.zeros(len(dy_arr) - 1) for dy in range(len(dy_arr) - 1): dy_med_s = (dy_arr[dy] + dy_arr[dy + 1]) * 0.5 dy_med[dy] = dy_med_s for idx in range(len(xs) - 1): x0, y0, xa, ya = xs[idx], ys[idx], xs[idx + 1], ys[idx + 1] self.draw_arrow( ax2, (x0, y0), (x0 - dy_med[idx], y0 + dx_med[idx]), text="$\\vec{n}_{res}$", color="tab:green", ) return dx_med, dy_med
[docs] def nearest_point(self, arr, pt): """ Find nearest point between an array and a point (e.g. the first point of ext contour) Args: arr (ndarray): 2D array of contour pt (list): (x, y) coordinates of point Returns: loc (numpy.ndarray): location of nearest point in the array dist (float): distance between point and nearest point in array idx (numpy.int64): index of point in array """ _, idx = spatial.KDTree(arr).query(pt) loc = arr[spatial.KDTree(arr).query(pt)[1]] return loc, idx
[docs] def nearest_pairs_arrs(self, arr1, arr2): """ Find nearest point between two arrays and create a an array containing nearest-pairs indices Args: arr1 (np.ndarray): array of contour 1 (e.g. ext) arr2 (np.ndarray): array of contour 2 (e.g. int) Returns: closest_idx (np.ndarray): array of indices of nearest index in arr2 for each point in arr1 base_idx (np.ndarray): array of ordered indices of arr1 """ dist_nearest_neighbour = np.empty(len(arr1), dtype=float) closest_idx = np.empty((len(arr1), 2), dtype=int) base_idx = np.empty((len(arr1), 2), dtype=int) for i, idx in enumerate(arr1): d_nn, closest_idx_s = spatial.KDTree(arr2).query(idx) dist_nearest_neighbour[i] = d_nn closest_idx[i] = closest_idx_s base_idx[i] = i print( f"dist_nearest_neighbour\tbase_idx\tclosest_idx\n{dist_nearest_neighbour}\t{base_idx}\t{closest_idx}" ) return dist_nearest_neighbour, base_idx, closest_idx
[docs] def min_thickness_nearest_pairs(self, neighbour_dists): if np.where(neighbour_dists < self.min_thickness)[0]: bool_min_thickness = True else: bool_min_thickness = False return bool_min_thickness
[docs] def lineseg_dists(self, p, a, b): """ Cartesian distance from point to line segment Edited to support arguments as series, from: Args: - p: np.array of single point, shape (2,) or 2D array, shape (x, 2) - a: np.array of shape (x, 2) - b: np.array of shape (x, 2) """ # normalized tangent vectors d_ba = b - a d = np.divide(d_ba, (np.hypot(d_ba[:, 0], d_ba[:, 1]).reshape(-1, 1))) # signed parallel distance components # rowwise dot products of 2D vectors s = np.multiply(a - p, d).sum(axis=1) t = np.multiply(p - b, d).sum(axis=1) # clamped parallel distance h = np.maximum.reduce([s, t, np.zeros(len(s))]) # perpendicular distance component # rowwise cross products of 2D vectors d_pa = p - a c = d_pa[:, 0] * d[:, 1] - d_pa[:, 1] * d[:, 0] return np.hypot(h, c)
[docs] def hyp_min_thickness(self, ext_contour, int_contour, idx_): """ Check if the thickness between external and internal contours is below a minimum threshold. This function evaluates the thickness between corresponding points on the external and internal contours. It checks if the thickness at any point is below a specified minimum threshold and returns a boolean array indicating where this condition is met. Args: ext_contour (ndarray): The external contour points. int_contour (ndarray): The internal contour points. idx_ (ndarray): Indices for the internal contour points. Returns: ndarray: A boolean array indicating where the thickness is below the minimum threshold. """ ext_contour = ext_contour[:-1] int_contour = int_contour[:-1] idx_ = idx_[:-1] roll_int_array = np.roll(int_contour, -1, axis=0) bool_thickness = np.full(len(ext_contour), False) for idx, p in enumerate(ext_contour[:, 0]): dists = self.lineseg_dists( p, np.take(int_contour, idx_), np.take(roll_int_array, idx_), ) bool_ = np.where(dists < self.min_thickness, True, False) bool_thickness = np.logical_or(bool_thickness, bool_) bool_thickness = np.append(bool_thickness, bool_thickness[0]) return bool_thickness
[docs] def plot_contours( self, min_thickness: float, x_ext: np.ndarray, y_ext: np.ndarray, x_int: np.ndarray, y_int: np.ndarray, debug: bool = False, ): """ Create contours, get normals, plot Args: min_thickness (int): Minimum thickness of int-ext interface. x_ext (ndarray): array of [x] component of external array y_ext (ndarray): array of [y] component of external array x_int (ndarray): array of [x] component of internal array y_int (ndarray): array of [y] component of internal array Returns: ext_a (ndarray): 2D array of [x, y] points int_a (ndarray): 2D array of [x, y] points dx_arr (ndarray): array of dx component of the normals dy_arr (ndarray): array of dy component of the normals dx_med (ndarray): array of resultant normal between (x_n and x_n+1) dy_med (ndarray): array of resultant normal between (y_n and y_n+1) fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): figure ax1 (AxesSubplot): ax subplot ax2 (AxesSubplot): ax subplot """ fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) dx_med, dy_med = self.get_normals( x_ext, y_ext, ax1, ax2, thickness=min_thickness, debug=False ) ext_a = np.c_[x_ext, y_ext] int_a = np.c_[x_int, y_int] if debug: print(f"Plotting ext_a: {ext_a}") print(f"Plotting int_a: {int_a}") ax1.scatter(x_ext, y_ext, label="external contour", s=5) ax2.scatter(x_ext, y_ext) ax1.scatter(x_int, y_int, label="initial internal contour", s=5) ax2.scatter(x_int, y_int) for i, txt in enumerate(range(len(x_ext))): ax1.annotate(txt, (x_ext[i], y_ext[i]), color="tab:blue") ax1.annotate(txt, (x_int[i], y_int[i]), color="tab:orange") ax2.annotate(txt, (x_ext[i], y_ext[i]), color="tab:blue") ax2.annotate(txt, (x_int[i], y_int[i]), color="tab:orange") return ext_a, dx_med, dy_med, fig, ax1, ax2
[docs] def resample_contour(self, xy: np.ndarray, n_points: int = 100) -> np.ndarray: """ Cumulative Euclidean distance between successive polygon points. Args: xy (np.ndarray): 2D-array of [x, y] contour n_points (int, optional): Number of points to resample contour. Usually len(ext contour). Defaults to 100. Returns: np.ndarray: Resampled contour [x, y] """ d = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.sqrt((np.diff(xy, axis=0) ** 2).sum(axis=1))]) # get linearly spaced points along the cumulative Euclidean distance d_sampled = np.linspace(0, d.max(), n_points) # interpolate x and y coordinates xy_interp = np.c_[ np.interp(d_sampled, d, xy[:, 0]), np.interp(d_sampled, d, xy[:, 1]), ] return xy_interp
[docs] def offset_surface(self, line: ndarray, offset: float) -> ndarray: """ Create artificial internal surface based on an offset Args: np.ndarray: 2D array of [x, y] points of the external surface offset (float): offset distance Returns: np.ndarray: 2D array of [x, y] points of the offset surface """ poly = None noffpoly = None noffafpolypts = None noffpoly_union = None # Create a Polygon from the 2d array poly = shpg.Polygon(line) # Create offset in inward direction noffpoly = poly.buffer(offset) # offset # If the result is a MultiPolygon, merge them into a single Polygon if isinstance(noffpoly, shpg.MultiPolygon): noffpoly = unary_union(noffpoly) # Turn polygon points into numpy arrays for plotting try: noffafpolypts = np.array(noffpoly.exterior.coords) except AttributeError: self.logger.warning( "Multipolygon was found, taking the convex hull as the offset surface" ) noffpoly_union = shpops.unary_union(noffpoly) noffafpolypts = np.array(noffpoly_union.convex_hull.exterior.coords) return noffafpolypts
[docs] def plot_corrected_contours( self, fig, ax1, ax2, ext_s, dx_med, dy_med, ext_spline, ext_offset, int_spline, new_int, iterator, save=False, ): """ Plot and optionally save corrected contours for cortical thickness analysis. This function plots the corrected internal and external contours for cortical thickness analysis. It also provides an option to save the plots and the corresponding data to files. Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): The figure object for the plot. ax1 (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The first axes object for the plot. ax2 (matplotlib.axes.Axes): The second axes object for the plot. ext_s (ndarray): The external contour points. dx_med (float): The x-offset for the external contour. dy_med (float): The y-offset for the external contour. ext_spline (ndarray): The external spline contour points. ext_offset (ndarray): The offset external contour points. int_spline (ndarray): The internal spline contour points. new_int (ndarray): The corrected internal contour points. iterator (int): The current iteration index. save (bool, optional): Whether to save the plot and data to files. Default is False. Returns: None """ ax1.scatter(ext_spline[0, 0], ext_spline[0, 1], marker="x", s=300) ax1.scatter(int_spline[0, 0], int_spline[0, 1], marker="x", s=300) ax1.plot( new_int[:, 0], new_int[:, 1], linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5, label="corrected internal contour", color="tab:green", ) ax1.plot( ext_offset[:, 0], ext_offset[:, 1], label="offset external contour", linewidth=0.5, color="tab:purple", ) ax1.scatter( new_int[:, 0], new_int[:, 1], color="tab:green", s=5, marker=".", ) ax2.plot(new_int[:, 0], new_int[:, 1], linestyle=":") ax1.set_aspect("equal") ax2.set_aspect("equal") ax2.set_xlim(8, 15) ax2.set_ylim(1, 8) fig.suptitle( "Correction of minimal thickness and external position ($\\vec{n}$-based)", weight="bold", fontsize=20, ) fig.legend(loc=1) fig.tight_layout() ax1.plot( (ext_s[:, 0], ext_s[:, 0] - dy_med), (ext_s[:, 1], ext_s[:, 1] + dx_med), color="tab:blue", ) if save is not False: parentpath = Path(self.model).parent filepath = Path(self.model).stem savepath = Path(parentpath, filepath) filename_png = f"{savepath}_CORT_Correction_int_ext_pos_{iterator}.png" filename_npy_ext = f"{savepath}_CORT_ext_{iterator}.npy" filename_npy_int = f"{savepath}_CORT_int_{iterator}.npy" fig.savefig(filename_png, dpi=150), ext_spline), int_spline) else: pass return None
[docs] def project_point_on_line(self, p, a, b): """ Project point p on line a-b """ ap = p - a ab = b - a ab2 =, ab) ap_ab =, ab) t = ap_ab / ab2 return a + ab * t
[docs] def KDT_nn(self, p, arr): """ Find nearest point between two arrays and create an array containing nearest-pairs indices Args: arr1 (np.ndarray): array of contour 1 arr2 (np.ndarray): array of contour 2 Returns: _type_: _description_ """ _, p_nn = spatial.KDTree(arr).query(p) return p_nn
[docs] def push_contour( self, ext_contour: np.ndarray, int_contour: np.ndarray, offset: float ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Adjust the internal contour to ensure it is within the offset external contour. This function adjusts the internal contour points to ensure they are within the offset external contour. It resamples both contours to a higher resolution, checks if the internal points are within the external contour, and if not, moves them to the closest points on the external contour. Args: ext_contour (np.ndarray): The external contour points. int_contour (np.ndarray): The internal contour points. offset (float): The offset distance for the external contour. Returns: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: The adjusted internal contour and the offset external contour. """ is_inside_shpg = [] # initialise RESAMPLING = int(1500) ext_offset = self.offset_surface(ext_contour, offset) ext_offset_hres = self.resample_contour(ext_offset, n_points=RESAMPLING) int_contour_hres = self.resample_contour(int_contour, n_points=RESAMPLING) is_inside_shpg = [ shpg.Point(int_contour_hres[i]).within(shpg.Polygon(ext_offset_hres)) for i in range(len(int_contour_hres)) ] is_inside = np.c_[is_inside_shpg, is_inside_shpg] closest_points = [ ext_offset_hres[ spatial.KDTree(ext_offset_hres).query(int_contour_hres[i])[1] ] for i in range(len(int_contour_hres)) ] closest_points = np.array(closest_points).reshape(-1, 2) np.copyto( dst=int_contour_hres, src=closest_points, where=np.logical_not(is_inside) ) int_contour = self.resample_contour(int_contour_hres, n_points=len(int_contour)) return int_contour, ext_offset
[docs] def cortical_sanity_check( self, ext_contour: ndarray, int_contour: ndarray, iterator: int, show_plots: bool = True, ) -> ndarray: """ Check if the internal contour is within the external contour. Args: ext_contour (ndarray): 2D array of [x, y] points int_contour (ndarray): 2D array of [x, y] points Returns: """ if show_plots is True: ext_s, dx_med, dy_med, fig, ax1, ax2 = self.plot_contours( min_thickness=self.min_thickness, x_ext=ext_contour[:, 0], y_ext=ext_contour[:, 1], x_int=int_contour[:, 0], y_int=int_contour[:, 1], debug=False, ) new_int, ext_offset = self.push_contour( ext_contour, int_contour, -self.min_thickness ) if self.save_plot is True: self.plot_corrected_contours( fig, ax1, ax2, ext_s, dx_med, dy_med, self.ext_contour, ext_offset, int_contour, new_int, iterator, save=True, ) else: pass return new_int