Source code for spline_volume

import logging
import sys
from typing import List, Tuple

import cv2
import gmsh
import imutils
import matplotlib

# matplotlib.use("TkAgg")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import scipy.spatial as ss
import shapely.geometry as shpg
import SimpleITK as sitk
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from numpy import ndarray
from scipy import spatial
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, splev, splprep, splrep
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from shapely import Polygon
from SimpleITK.SimpleITK import Image
from skimage.measure import find_contours

# flake8: noqa: E203

[docs] class OCC_volume: def __init__( self, sitk_image: Image, img_path: None, filepath: str, filename: str, ASPECT: int, SLICE: int, UNDERSAMPLING: int, SLICING_COEFFICIENT: int, INSIDE_VAL: float, OUTSIDE_VAL: float, LOWER_THRESH: float, UPPER_THRESH: float, S: int, K: int, INTERP_POINTS: int, DP_SIMPLIFICATION_OUTER: int, DP_SIMPLIFICATION_INNER: int, debug_orientation: int, show_plots: bool, thickness_tol: float, phases: int, ): """ Class that imports a voxel-based model and converts it to a geometrical simplified representation through the use of splines for each slice in the transverse plane. Following spline reconstruction, the model is meshed with GMSH. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(LOGGING_NAME) self.model = gmsh.model self.factory = self.model.occ self.sitk_image = sitk_image self.img_path = img_path self.filepath = filepath self.filename = filename self.debug_orientation = debug_orientation self.show_plots = bool(show_plots) self.ASPECT = ASPECT self.SLICE = SLICE self.THRESHOLD_PARAM = [INSIDE_VAL, OUTSIDE_VAL, LOWER_THRESH, UPPER_THRESH] self.UNDERSAMPLING = UNDERSAMPLING self.SLICING_COEFFICIENT = SLICING_COEFFICIENT self.S = S self.K = K self.INTERP_POINTS_S = INTERP_POINTS self.dp_simplification_outer = DP_SIMPLIFICATION_OUTER self.dp_simplification_inner = DP_SIMPLIFICATION_INNER self.height = 1.0 self.spacing = [] self.coordsX = [] self.coordsY = [] self.xy_sorted_closed = [] self.x_mahalanobis = [] self.y_mahalanobis = [] self.xnew = [] self.ynew = [] self.slice_index = np.ndarray([]) self.cortex_outer_tags = list() self.cortex_inner_tags = list() self.MIN_THICKNESS = float(thickness_tol) self.phases = int(phases) # Figure layout self.layout = go.Layout( plot_bgcolor="#FFF", # Sets background color to white xaxis=dict( title="Medial - Lateral position (mm)", linecolor="#BCCCDC", # Sets color of X-axis line showgrid=True, # Removes X-axis grid lines ), yaxis=dict( title="Palmar - Dorsal position (mm)", linecolor="#BCCCDC", # Sets color of Y-axis line showgrid=True, # Removes Y-axis grid lines ), )
[docs] def plot_mhd_slice(self, img): """ Plot a slice of the SimpleITK.image. This helper function plots a specified slice of the SimpleITK.image file using Matplotlib. It also provides an interactive slider to navigate through different slices. Args: img (SimpleITK.Image): The image to be plotted. Returns: None """ img_view = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(img) fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=( np.shape(img_view)[0] / self.ASPECT, np.shape(img_view)[1] / self.ASPECT, ) ) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) l = plt.imshow( img_view[self.SLICE, :, :], cmap="cividis", interpolation="nearest", aspect="equal", ) plt.title(f"Slice n. {self.SLICE} of masked object", weight="bold") axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" axSlider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) slider = Slider( axSlider, "Slice", 0, img_view.shape[0] - 1, valinit=self.SLICE, valstep=1, ) def update(val): slice_index = int(slider.val) l.set_data(img_view[slice_index, :, :]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() slider.on_changed(update) if matplotlib.get_backend() == "agg": # set the backend to TkAgg matplotlib.use("TkAgg") plt.close() return None
[docs] def plot_slice(self, image, SLICE, title, ASPECT): """ Plot a specific slice of the given image. This function plots a specified slice of the input image using Matplotlib. It also provides an interactive slider to navigate through different slices. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image to be plotted. SLICE (int): The index of the slice to be plotted. title (str): The title of the plot. ASPECT (float): The aspect ratio for the plot. Returns: None """ img_view = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(ASPECT, ASPECT)) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) l = plt.imshow( img_view[SLICE, :, :], cmap="gray", interpolation="None", aspect="equal" ) plt.title(title, weight="bold") axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" axSlider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) slider = Slider( axSlider, "Slice", 0, img_view.shape[0] - 1, valinit=SLICE, valstep=1 ) def update(val): slice_index = int(slider.val) l.set_data(img_view[slice_index, :, :]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() slider.on_changed(update) if matplotlib.get_backend() == "agg": # set the backend to TkAgg matplotlib.use("TkAgg") plt.close() return None
[docs] def exec_thresholding(self, image: Image, THRESHOLD_PARAM: List[float]) -> Image: """ Apply binary thresholding to the given image. This function applies binary thresholding to the input image based on the specified threshold parameters. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image to be thresholded. THRESHOLD_PARAM (List[float]): List of threshold parameters [INSIDE_VAL, OUTSIDE_VAL, LOWER_THRESH, UPPER_THRESH]. Returns: SimpleITK.Image: The thresholded image. """ btif = sitk.BinaryThresholdImageFilter() btif.SetInsideValue(int(THRESHOLD_PARAM[0])) btif.SetOutsideValue(int(THRESHOLD_PARAM[1])) btif.SetLowerThreshold(THRESHOLD_PARAM[2]) btif.SetUpperThreshold(THRESHOLD_PARAM[3]) image_thr = btif.Execute(image) return image_thr
[docs] def draw_contours( self, img: ndarray, loc: str = str("outer"), approximation: bool = True ) -> ndarray: """ Find the contours of an image. Args: img (numpy.ndarray): The input image as a 2D numpy array. loc (str): The location of the contour. Can be "outer" or "inner". Defaults to "outer". approximation (bool): If True, contour is approximated using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker (RDP) algorithm. Defaults to True. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The contour image as a 2D numpy array. Raises: ValueError: If the location of the contour is not valid. Credits to: Docs: """ eps = 0.001 # eps = 0.015 if loc == "outer": _contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( img.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) out = np.zeros(np.shape(img), dtype=np.uint8) if approximation is True: cnts = imutils.grab_contours((_contours, hierarchy)) c = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, eps * peri, True) contour = cv2.drawContours(out, [approx], -1, 1, 1) else: # all contours, in white, with thickness 1 contour = cv2.drawContours(out, _contours, -1, 1, 1) elif loc == "inner": _contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours( img.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) inn = np.zeros(np.shape(img), dtype=np.uint8) if approximation is True: cnts = imutils.grab_contours((_contours, hierarchy)) c = min(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea) peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, eps * peri, True) contour = cv2.drawContours(inn, [approx], -1, 1, 1) else: contour = cv2.drawContours(inn, _contours, 2, 1, 1) else: raise ValueError( "The location of the contour is not valid. Please choose between 'outer' and 'inner'." ) return contour
[docs] def get_binary_contour(self, image: Image) -> Image: """ Generate binary contours from the given image. This function generates binary contours for each slice of the input image and joins them into a single 3D image. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image. Returns: SimpleITK.Image: The image with binary contours. """ img_thr_join = sitk.JoinSeries( [ sitk.BinaryContour(image[z, :, :], fullyConnected=True) for z in range(image.GetSize()[0]) ] ) img_thr_join = sitk.PermuteAxes(img_thr_join, [2, 0, 1]) img_thr_join.SetSpacing(image.GetSpacing()) return img_thr_join
[docs] def get_draw_contour(self, image: Image, loc: str = str("outer")) -> ndarray: """ Extract and draw contours from the given image. This function extracts and draws contours from the input image for each slice. The contours are then flipped and returned as a numpy array. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image. loc (str, optional): The location of the contour to be drawn. Default is "outer". Returns: ndarray: The extracted and drawn contours. """ img_np = np.transpose(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image), [2, 1, 0]) contour_np = [ self.draw_contours(img_np[z, :, :], loc, approximation=True) for z in np.arange(np.shape(img_np)[0]) ] contour_np = np.flip(contour_np, axis=1) return contour_np
[docs] def pad_image(self, image: Image, iso_pad_size: int) -> Image: """ Pads the input image with a constant value (background value) to increase its size. Padding is used to prevent having contours on the edges of the image, which would cause the spline fitting to fail. Padding is performed on the transverse plane only (image orientation is assumed to be z, y, x) Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image to be padded. iso_pad_size (int): The size of the padding to be added to each dimension. Returns: SimpleITK.Image: The padded image. """ constant = int(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(image).min()) image_thr = sitk.ConstantPad( image, (iso_pad_size, iso_pad_size, 0), (iso_pad_size, iso_pad_size, 0), constant, ) return image_thr
[docs] def pad_and_plot(self, image: Image) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Pad the given image and optionally plot a slice of it. This function pads the input image with a specified padding size and optionally plots a specified slice of the padded image. Args: image (SimpleITK.Image): The input image to be padded. Returns: ndarray: The padded image as a NumPy array. """ ASPECT = self.ASPECT SLICE = self.SLICE self.logger.debug(f"Image size before padding: {image.GetSize()}") image_pad = self.pad_image(image, iso_pad_size=10) self.logger.debug(f"Image size after padding: {image_pad.GetSize()}") if self.show_plots: self.plot_slice( image_pad, SLICE, f"Padded Image on slice n. {SLICE}", ASPECT ) else:"Padded Image\t\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") self.logger.debug(f"Image size after padding: {image_pad.GetSize()}") return image_pad
""" def binary_threshold(self, img_path: str) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: THRESHOLD_PARAM = [INSIDE_VAL, OUTSIDE_VAL, LOWER_THRESH, UPPER_THRESH] THRESHOLD_PARAM = self.THRESHOLD_PARAM ASPECT = self.ASPECT SLICE = self.SLICE if self.sitk_image is None: image = sitk.ReadImage(img_path) else: image = self.sitk_image image = sitk.PermuteAxes(image, [2, 0, 1]) image.SetSpacing(self.sitk_image.GetSpacing()) # Subsample the image for faster processing image = sitk.Shrink(image, [1, self.UNDERSAMPLING, self.UNDERSAMPLING]) image_thr = self.exec_thresholding(image, THRESHOLD_PARAM) image_thr = self.pad_image(image_thr, iso_pad_size=10) if self.show_plots is True: self.plot_slice( image_thr, SLICE, f"Padded Image on slice n. {SLICE}", ASPECT ) else:"Padded Image\t\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") img_thr_join = self.get_binary_contour(image_thr) self.spacing = image.GetSpacing() if self.show_plots is True: self.plot_slice( img_thr_join, SLICE, f"Binary threshold on slice n. {SLICE}", ASPECT ) else:"Binary threshold\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") if self.phases >= 1: outer_contour_np = self.get_draw_contour(img_thr_join, loc="outer") contour_ext = np.transpose(outer_contour_np, [2, 1, 0]) if self.show_plots is True: outer_contour_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour_ext) outer_contour_sitk.CopyInformation(image_thr) if self.phases == 1: self.plot_slice( outer_contour_sitk, SLICE, f"Outer contour on slice n. {SLICE}", ASPECT, ) else:"Binary threshold\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") if self.phases == 2: inner_contour_np = self.get_draw_contour(img_thr_join, loc="inner") contour_int = np.transpose(inner_contour_np, [2, 1, 0]) if self.show_plots is True: inner_contour_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour_int) inner_contour_sitk.CopyInformation(image_thr) # put together both contours in sitk # contours_sitk = sitk.Compose(outer_contour_sitk, inner_contour_sitk) self.plot_slice( inner_contour_sitk, # contours_sitk, SLICE, f"Inner contour on slice n. {SLICE}", ASPECT, ) else:"Binary threshold\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") if self.phases > 2: raise ValueError( "The number of phases is greater than 2. Only biphasic materials are accepted (e.g. cort+trab)." ) img_size = image_thr.GetSize() img_spacing = image_thr.GetSpacing() xx = np.arange( 0, img_size[1] * img_spacing[1], img_size[1] * img_spacing[1] / float(img_size[1]), ) yy = np.arange( 0, img_size[2] * img_spacing[2], img_size[2] * img_spacing[2] / float(img_size[2]), ) coordsX, coordsY = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) self.coordsX = np.transpose(coordsX, [1, 0]) self.coordsY = np.transpose(coordsY, [1, 0]) return contour_ext, contour_int """
[docs] def sort_xy(self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Sort x and y coordinates in a counterclockwise order. This function sorts the given x and y coordinates in a counterclockwise order based on their angles from the centroid. Args: x (ndarray): The x-coordinates. y (ndarray): The y-coordinates. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: The sorted x and y coordinates. """ x0 = np.mean(x) y0 = np.mean(y) r = np.sqrt((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2) angles = np.where( (y - y0) > 0, np.arccos((x - x0) / r), 2 * np.pi - np.arccos((x - x0) / r) ) mask = np.argsort(angles) x_sorted = x[mask] y_sorted = y[mask] return x_sorted, y_sorted
[docs] def plotly_add_traces(self, fig, original, spline_interp): """ Add traces to a Plotly figure for visualization. This function adds traces to a Plotly figure for visualizing the original and interpolated spline contours. Args: fig (plotly.graph_objs.Figure): The Plotly figure to add traces to. original (ndarray): The original contour points. spline_interp (ndarray): The interpolated spline contour points. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: The updated Plotly figure with added traces. """ fig.add_traces( [ go.Scatter( mode="lines+markers", marker=dict(color="Black", size=3), visible=False, line=dict(color=px.colors.qualitative.Dark2[0], width=2), name="Original", x=original[:, 0], y=original[:, 1], ), go.Scatter( visible=False, line=dict(color=px.colors.qualitative.Dark2[1], width=5), name=f"B-spline order {self.K}", x=spline_interp[:, 0], y=spline_interp[:, 1], ), ] ) return fig
[docs] def plotly_makefig(self, fig): """ Finalize and display the Plotly figure with sliders. This function finalizes the Plotly figure by adding sliders for navigating through slices and displays the figure. Args: fig (plotly.graph_objs.Figure): The Plotly figure to be finalized and displayed. Returns: plotly.graph_objs.Figure: The finalized Plotly figure. """[self.SLICING_COEFFICIENT].visible = True # Create and add slider steps = [] height = self.spacing[0] * (max(self.slice_index) + 1) for i in range(0, len( if i % 2 == 0: step = dict( method="update", args=[ {"visible": [False] * len(}, { "title": f"Slice position {(((i) * height) / (len( - 2)):.2f} mm" }, ], label=i, ) # Toggle i'th trace to "visible" step["args"][0]["visible"][i] = True step["args"][0]["visible"][i + 1] = True steps.append(step) sliders = [ dict( active=10, currentvalue={"prefix": "Slice: ", "suffix": " [-]"}, pad={"t": 50}, steps=steps, ) ] fig.update_layout(sliders=sliders, autosize=False, width=800, height=800) fig.add_annotation( text="Slice representation through splines", xref="paper", yref="paper", x=0.1, y=1, showarrow=False, font=dict(size=18, family="stix"), ) fig.update_xaxes(range=[0, 50]) fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 50]) return fig
[docs] def check_orient( self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray, direction: int = 1 ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Author: Simone Poncioni, MSB Date: 18.08.2022 Functionality: Orient all array in the same direction (cw or ccw) (Sometimes planes would reorient in opposite direction, making them unsuitable for interplane connectivity) Args: x = 1D-arr (x coords of points) y = 1D-arr (y coords of points) directions: 1 = cw, 2 = ccw Returns: x_o = reoriented x 1D-arr y_o = reoriented y 1D-arr """ if direction == 1: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Desired direction: cw") if y[1] > y[0]: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Not flipping") else: pass x_o = x y_o = y elif y[1] < y[0]: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Flipping") else: pass x_o = np.flip(x, axis=0) y_o = np.flip(y, axis=0) else: self.logger.debug("Something went wrong while flipping the array") if direction == 2: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Desired direction: ccw") if y[1] < y[0]: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Not flipping") x_o = x y_o = y elif y[1] > y[0]: if self.debug_orientation == 1: self.logger.debug("Flipping") x_o = np.flip(x, axis=0) y_o = np.flip(y, axis=0) else: self.logger.warning("Something went wrong while flipping the array") return x_o, y_o
[docs] def sort_mahalanobis(self, data: ndarray) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Sort points based on pairwise distances to form a continuous contour. This function sorts the given data points based on pairwise distances to form a continuous contour, ensuring no self-intersections. Args: data (ndarray): The data points to be sorted. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: The sorted x and y coordinates. """ # Compute pairwise distances between all points in the contour dist_matrix = ss.distance.cdist(data.T, data.T) # Initialize variables n_points = data.shape[1] visited = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=bool) sorted_indices = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=int) sorted_indices[0] = 0 visited[0] = True # Iterate over remaining points in the contour for i in range(1, n_points): # Compute distances from the previous point to all unvisited points dist_to_prev = dist_matrix[sorted_indices[i - 1], :] dist_to_prev[visited] = np.inf # Find the closest unvisited point to the previous point closest_unvisited = np.argmin(dist_to_prev) sorted_indices[i] = closest_unvisited visited[closest_unvisited] = True # Reorder the data based on the sorted indices sorted_data = data[:, sorted_indices] # Ensure the contour does not self-intersect # sorted_data = self.remove_self_intersections(sorted_data) return sorted_data[0], sorted_data[1]
[docs] def sort_surface(self, image_slice: ndarray) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """ Sort surface points in a clockwise direction and with Mahalanobis distance to add robustness Args: slices (int): slice number Returns: self.xy_sorted_closed (numpy.ndarray): xy array of sorted points self.x_mahanalobis (numpy.ndarray): x array of sorted points with mahalanobis distance self.y_mahanalobis (numpy.ndarray): y array of sorted points with mahalanobis distance self.xnew (numpy.ndarray): x array of sorted points interpolated with bspline and in the same direction self.ynew (numpy.ndarray): y array of sorted points interpolated with bspline and in the same direction """ x = self.coordsX[image_slice == 1][0 :: self.UNDERSAMPLING] y = self.coordsY[image_slice == 1][0 :: self.UNDERSAMPLING] x_s, y_s = self.sort_xy(x, y) xy_sorted = np.c_[x_s, y_s] xy_sorted_closed = np.vstack([xy_sorted, xy_sorted[0]]) x_mahalanobis, y_mahalanobis = self.sort_mahalanobis(xy_sorted.T) x_mahalanobis = np.append(x_mahalanobis, x_mahalanobis[0]) y_mahalanobis = np.append(y_mahalanobis, y_mahalanobis[0]) x_copy = x_mahalanobis.copy() y_copy = y_mahalanobis.copy() BNDS = 10 # was 5, then 10 x_bnds, y_bnds = x_copy[BNDS:-BNDS], y_copy[BNDS:-BNDS] # find the knot points tckp, _ = splprep( [x_bnds, y_bnds], s=self.S, k=self.K, per=1, ub=[x_copy, y_copy][0], ue=[x_copy, y_copy][0], quiet=1, ) # evaluate spline, including interpolated points xnew, ynew = splev(np.linspace(0, 1, self.INTERP_POINTS_S), tckp) if np.allclose(xnew[0], xnew[-1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): xnew = np.append(xnew, xnew[0]) else: pass if np.allclose(ynew[0], ynew[-1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): ynew = np.append(ynew, ynew[0]) else: pass # Sanity check to ensure directionality of sorting in cw- or ccw-direction xnew_oriented, ynew_oriented = self.check_orient(xnew, ynew, direction=1) return ( xy_sorted_closed, xnew_oriented, ynew_oriented, )
[docs] def input_sanity_check(self, ext_contour_s: np.ndarray, int_contour_s: np.ndarray): """ Sanity check for the input data before cortical sanity check Args: ext_contour_s (np.ndarray): array of external contour points int_contour_s (np.ndarray): array of internal contour points Returns: ext_contour_s (np.ndarray): array of external contour points with defined shape and structure (no duplicates, closed contour) int_contour_s (np.ndarray): array of internal contour points with defined shape and structure (no duplicates, closed contour) """ # sanity check of input data ext_contour_s and int_contour_s # make sure that arr[0] is the same as arr[-1] if not np.allclose(int_contour_s[0], int_contour_s[-1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): # append first element to the end of the array int_contour_s = np.append(int_contour_s, [int_contour_s[0]], axis=0) # if arr[0] is equal to arr[1] then remove the first element if np.allclose(ext_contour_s[0], ext_contour_s[1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): ext_contour_s = ext_contour_s[1:] if np.allclose(int_contour_s[0], int_contour_s[1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): int_contour_s = int_contour_s[1:] # if arr[-1] is equal to arr[-2] then remove the last element if np.allclose(ext_contour_s[-1], ext_contour_s[-2], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): ext_contour_s = ext_contour_s[:-1] if np.allclose(int_contour_s[-1], int_contour_s[-2], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): int_contour_s = int_contour_s[:-1] if not np.allclose(ext_contour_s[0], ext_contour_s[-1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): # append first element to the end of the array ext_contour_s = np.append(ext_contour_s, [ext_contour_s[0]], axis=0) # check that shape of ext_contour_s and int_contour_s are the same if ext_contour_s.shape != int_contour_s.shape: self.logger.warning( f"Error in the shape of the external and internal contours of the slice:\t{slice}" ) sys.exit(90) return ext_contour_s, int_contour_s
[docs] def output_sanity_check(self, initial_contour: np.ndarray, contour_s: np.ndarray): """ Perform a sanity check on the output contours. This function checks that the external and internal contours have the same structure and shape as before the sanity check. It ensures that the contours do not have duplicate points and have the correct shape. Args: initial_contour (ndarray): The initial contour points. contour_s (ndarray): The contour points after the sanity check. Returns: ndarray: The corrected contour points. """ if np.allclose(initial_contour[0], initial_contour[1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): self.logger.warning("External contour has a duplicate first point") if not np.allclose(contour_s[0], contour_s[1], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): self.logger.warning( "New external contour does not have a duplicate first point" ) contour_s = np.insert(contour_s, 0, contour_s[0], axis=0)"New external contour now has a duplicate first point") if np.allclose(initial_contour[-1], initial_contour[-2]): self.logger.warning("External contour has a duplicate last point") if not np.allclose(contour_s[-1], contour_s[-2], rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08): self.logger.warning( "New external contour does not have a duplicate last point" ) contour_s = np.append(contour_s, [contour_s[-1]], axis=0)"New external contour now has a duplicate last point") if np.shape(initial_contour) != np.shape(contour_s): self.logger.warning( "External contour has a different shape than the initial contour" ) else: self.logger.log( self.logger.INFO, "External contour has the same shape as before csc.CorticalSanityCheck", ) return contour_s
def _pnts_on_line_(self, a, spacing=1, is_percent=False): # densify by distance """ Add points at a fixed spacing to a line. This function adds points at a fixed spacing to an array representing a line. The spacing can be specified as a fixed distance or as a percentage of the total length. Args: a (ndarray): A sequence of points representing the line. spacing (float): The spacing between the points to be added. is_percent (bool, optional): Whether to express the spacing as a percentage of the total length. Default is False. Returns: ndarray: The line with added points. """ N = len(a) - 1 # segments dxdy = a[1:, :] - a[:-1, :] # coordinate differences leng = np.sqrt(np.einsum("ij,ij->i", dxdy, dxdy)) # segment lengths if is_percent: # as percentage spacing = abs(spacing) spacing = min(spacing / 100, 1.0) steps = (sum(leng) * spacing) / leng # step distance else: steps = leng / spacing # step distance deltas = dxdy / (steps.reshape(-1, 1)) # coordinate steps pnts = np.empty((N,), dtype="O") # construct an `O` array for i in range(N): # cycle through the segments and make num = np.arange(steps[i]) # the new points pnts[i] = np.array((num, num)).T * deltas[i] + a[i] a0 = a[-1].reshape(1, -1) # add the final point and concatenate return np.concatenate((*pnts, a0), axis=0)
[docs] def volume_splines(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Generate splines for cortical and trabecular regions. This function processes the input image to generate volume splines for the cortical and trabecular regions. It includes steps for padding the image, extracting contours, and optionally plotting the results. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: Arrays of cortical external and internal contours. """ contour_ext_fig, contour_int_fig = self.pad_and_plot(img_path=self.img_path) self.slice_index = np.linspace( 1, len(contour_ext_fig[0, 0, :]) - 1, self.SLICING_COEFFICIENT, dtype=int ) if self.show_plots is True: fig = go.Figure(layout=self.layout) else:"Volume_splines\t\tshow_plots:\t{self.show_plots}") fig = None if self.phases >= 1: img_contours_ext = sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour_ext_fig, isVector=True) image_data_ext = np.transpose( sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(img_contours_ext), [2, 1, 0] ) if self.phases == 2: img_contours_int = sitk.GetImageFromArray(contour_int_fig, isVector=True) image_data_int = np.transpose( sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(img_contours_int), [2, 1, 0] ) contour_ext = np.ndarray(shape=(0, 3)) contour_int = np.ndarray(shape=(0, 3)) image_slice_ext = [] for i, _slice in enumerate(self.slice_index): self.logger.debug(f"Slice:\t{_slice}") if self.phases >= 1: image_slice_ext = image_data_ext[_slice, :, :][::-1, ::-1] original, cortical_ext_x, cortical_ext_y = self.sort_surface( image_slice_ext ) z = np.ones(len(cortical_ext_x)) * (self.spacing[0] * _slice) contour_ext = np.append( contour_ext, np.c_[cortical_ext_x, cortical_ext_y, z] ) if self.phases == 1: if self.show_plots is True: fig = self.plotly_add_traces( fig, original, np.c_[contour_ext[:, 0], contour_ext[:, 1]] ) else: fig = None else: self.logger.warning(f"Phases is not >= 1: {self.phases}") if self.phases == 2: image_slice_int = image_data_int[_slice, :, :][::-1, ::-1] original, cortical_int_x, cortical_int_y = self.sort_surface( image_slice_int ) contour_int = np.append( contour_int, np.c_[cortical_int_x, cortical_int_y, z] ) if self.phases == 2: if self.show_plots is True: fig = self.plotly_add_traces( fig, original, np.c_[cortical_int_x, cortical_int_y, z] ) else: fig = None else: self.logger.warning(f"Phases =/= 2: {self.phases}") if self.show_plots is True: self.plotly_makefig(fig) elif self.show_plots is False: fig = None contour_ext = contour_ext.reshape(-1, 3) contour_int = contour_int.reshape(-1, 3) return contour_ext, contour_int
[docs] def guess(self, x, y, k, s, w=None): """Do an ordinary spline fit to provide knots""" return splrep(x, y, w, k=k, s=s)
[docs] def err(self, c, x, y, t, k, w=None): """The error function to minimize""" diff = y - splev(x, (t, c, k)) if w is None: diff = np.einsum("...i,...i", diff, diff) else: diff = * diff, w) return np.abs(diff)
[docs] def spline_neumann(self, x, y, k=3, s=0, w=None): """ Perform cubic spline interpolation with Neumann boundary conditions. This function performs cubic spline interpolation on the given data points (x, y) with Neumann boundary conditions, ensuring zero slope at the first point. It uses the `scipy.optimize.minimize` function to optimize the spline coefficients under the specified constraints. Args: x (ndarray): The x-coordinates of the data points. y (ndarray): The y-coordinates of the data points. k (int, optional): The degree of the spline. Default is 3. s (float, optional): Smoothing factor. Default is 0. w (ndarray, optional): Weights for spline fitting. Default is None. Returns: UnivariateSpline: The resulting spline with Neumann boundary conditions. """ t, c0, k = self.guess(x, y, k, s, w=w) x0 = x[0] # point at which zero slope is required con = { "type": "eq", "fun": lambda c: splev(x0, (t, c, k), der=1), } opt = minimize(self.err, c0, (x, y, t, k, w), constraints=con) copt = opt.x return UnivariateSpline._from_tck((t, copt, k))
[docs] def interpolate_vertical_lines_3d(self, line_sets): """ Interpolate vertical lines in 3D using cubic splines. This function performs cubic spline interpolation on the given vertical line sets with Neumann boundary conditions. It generates new Z values for interpolation and returns the interpolated points. Args: line_sets (List[List[ndarray]]): List of vertical line sets. Returns: ndarray: Array of interpolated points. """ interpolated_lines = [] for line in line_sets: line = np.array(line) # Check for NaN or Inf values if np.any(np.isnan(line)) or np.any(np.isinf(line)): raise ValueError("Data contains NaN or Inf values.") # Check for duplicate points line = np.unique(line, axis=0) if len(line) < 4: raise ValueError( "Insufficient unique data points for cubic spline interpolation." ) # Sort by Z-values line_sorted_by_z = line[np.argsort(line[:, 2])] x_sorted = line_sorted_by_z[:, 0] y_sorted = line_sorted_by_z[:, 1] z_sorted = line_sorted_by_z[:, 2] # Perform cubic spline interpolation with Neumann boundary conditions splrep_eval_x = self.spline_neumann(z_sorted, x_sorted, k=3, s=1e6) splrep_eval_y = self.spline_neumann(z_sorted, y_sorted, k=3, s=1e6) # Generate new Z values for interpolation znew = np.linspace(z_sorted[0], z_sorted[-1], self.SLICING_COEFFICIENT) xnew = splrep_eval_x(znew) ynew = splrep_eval_y(znew) interpolated_lines.append(np.vstack((xnew, ynew, znew)).T) all_points_array = np.concatenate(interpolated_lines, axis=0) # Plot final interpolated points if self.show_plots: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.scatter( all_points_array[:, 0], all_points_array[:, 1], label="Interpolated Points", ) plt.legend() plt.title("Interpolated Points") return all_points_array
[docs] def classify_and_store_contours(self, mask, slice_idx): """ Classify and store contours from a given slice of the mask. This function finds contours in the specified slice of the mask and classifies the first contour as the outer contour and the second contour (if present) as the inner contour. Args: mask (ndarray): The 3D mask array from which contours are to be extracted. slice_idx (int): The index of the slice to be processed. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: The outer and inner contours. """ contours = find_contours(mask[:, :, slice_idx]) # , level=0.5) if contours: outer_contours = contours[0] # First contour as outer if len(contours) > 1: inner_contours = contours[1] # Second contour as inner return outer_contours, inner_contours
[docs] def evaluate_bspline(self, contour): """ Evaluate a B-spline for the given contour. This function fits a B-spline to the given contour points and evaluates the spline to generate new interpolated points. The spline is closed by appending the first point to the end of the new points. Args: contour (ndarray): The contour points to be fitted with a B-spline. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: The x and y coordinates of the interpolated B-spline points. """ tckp, _ = splprep( [contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1]], s=self.S, k=self.K, per=1, ub=[contour[0][0], contour[-1][0]], ue=[contour[0][1], contour[-1][1]], quiet=1, ) xnew, ynew = splev(np.linspace(0, 1, self.INTERP_POINTS_S), tckp) xnew = np.append(xnew, xnew[0]) ynew = np.append(ynew, ynew[0]) return xnew, ynew
[docs] def calculate_outer_offset(self, contour): """ Calculate the outer offset of a given contour. This function calculates the outer offset of the given contour by buffering the contour with a negative offset. It handles cases where multiple geometries are created during buffering and retains the largest one. Args: contour (ndarray): The input contour. Returns: ndarray: The offset contour. """ MIN_THICKNESS = self.MIN_THICKNESS contour = np.array(contour)[:, :2] # Assuming the contour is (x, y, z) and we only need (x, y) outer_polygon = Polygon(contour) offset = int(MIN_THICKNESS) buffered_polygon = outer_polygon.buffer(-offset) try: if len(list(buffered_polygon.geoms)) > 1: # sometimes some spurious polygons are created, assuming that we want to keep the largest one polygons = list(buffered_polygon.geoms) self.logger.warning( f"Buffered polygon has more than one geometry: {len(polygons)}" ) # if difference of area is big, then discard the small polygons areas = [polygon.area for polygon in polygons] max_area = max(areas) # assuming that the largest polygon is the correct one buffered_polygon = [ polygon for polygon in polygons if polygon.area == max_area ][0] except AttributeError: pass offset_polygon = np.array(buffered_polygon.exterior.coords) return offset_polygon
[docs] def check_inner_offset(self, outer_polygon, inn_contour): """ Check and adjust the inner contour based on the outer polygon. This function checks if the points of the inner contour are within the outer polygon. If not, it adjusts the points to the closest points on the outer polygon. Args: outer_polygon (ndarray): The outer polygon contour. inn_contour (ndarray): The inner contour points. Returns: ndarray: The adjusted inner contour points. """ outer_polygon = shpg.Polygon(outer_polygon) outer_contour = np.array(outer_polygon.exterior.coords) inn_contour = (np.array(inn_contour).reshape(-1, 3)[:, :2]).reshape(-1, 2) is_inside_shpg = [ shpg.Point(point).within(outer_polygon) for point in inn_contour ] is_inside = np.c_[is_inside_shpg, is_inside_shpg] closest_points = [ outer_contour[spatial.KDTree(outer_contour).query(point)[1]] for point in inn_contour ] closest_points = np.array(closest_points).reshape(-1, 2) np.copyto(dst=inn_contour, src=closest_points, where=np.logical_not(is_inside)) return inn_contour
[docs] def process_slice(self, mask, slice_idx): """ Process a single slice to classify and store contours. This function processes a single slice of the input mask to classify and store the outer and inner contours. It applies Douglas-Peucker-Ramer simplification and B-spline interpolation to the contours. Args: mask (ndarray): The input mask for the slice. slice_idx (int): The index of the slice being processed. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: Arrays of outer and inner B-spline contours. """ DP_SIMPLIFICATION_OUTER = self.dp_simplification_outer DP_SIMPLIFICATION_INNER = self.dp_simplification_inner out_cont, inn = self.classify_and_store_contours(mask, slice_idx) out_dp = out_cont.copy() out_dp = [shpg.Point(point) for point in out_dp] out_dp = shpg.Polygon(out_dp) out_dp = out_dp.simplify(DP_SIMPLIFICATION_OUTER, preserve_topology=True) xout, yout = self.evaluate_bspline(np.array(out_dp.exterior.coords)) out_bspline = np.column_stack((xout, yout)) out_bspline = np.column_stack( (out_bspline, np.full(out_bspline.shape[0], slice_idx)) ) inn_dp = inn.copy() inn_dp = [shpg.Point(point) for point in inn_dp] inn_dp = shpg.Polygon(inn_dp) inn_dp = inn_dp.simplify(DP_SIMPLIFICATION_INNER, preserve_topology=True) xin, yin = self.evaluate_bspline(np.array(inn_dp.exterior.coords)) inn_bspline = np.column_stack((xin, yin)) inn_bspline = np.column_stack( (inn_bspline, np.full(inn_bspline.shape[0], slice_idx)) ) return out_bspline, inn_bspline
[docs] def get_line_sets(self, contour): """ Generate vertical line sets from contour slices. This function generates vertical line sets from the given contour slices. It aligns the slices based on the first point and collects corresponding points from each slice to form vertical lines. Args: contour (List[ndarray]): List of contour slices. Returns: List[List[ndarray]]: List of vertical line sets. """ num_points = contour[0].shape[0] line_sets = [] # Align slices based on the first point first_point = contour[0][0] for i in range(1, len(contour)): distances = np.linalg.norm(contour[i] - first_point, axis=1) min_idx = np.argmin(distances) contour[i] = np.roll(contour[i], -min_idx, axis=0) for pt_idx in range(num_points): vertical_ll = [] for _slice in contour: # Collecting the pt_idx-th point from each slice vertical_ll.append(_slice[pt_idx]) line_sets.append(vertical_ll) if self.show_plots: for line_set in line_sets: line_set = np.array(line_set) plt.plot(line_set[:, 0], line_set[:, 1]) plt.title("Matched vertical lines") return line_sets
[docs] def plot_slices_with_slider(self, imnp, total_slices, results): """ Function to plot slices with a slider to navigate through slices. Args: imnp (numpy.ndarray): 3D numpy array representing the image. total_slices (int): Total number of slices. results (list): List of tuples containing outer and inner contour plots for each slice. Returns: None """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.25) img_display = ax.imshow(imnp[:, :, 0], cmap="gray") outer_plot, inner_plot = results[0] (outer_contour_plot,) = ax.plot( outer_plot[:, 1], outer_plot[:, 0], "r", label="Outer Contour" ) (inner_contour_plot,) = ax.plot( inner_plot[:, 1], inner_plot[:, 0], "b", label="Inner Contour" ) ax.legend() axcolor = "lightgoldenrodyellow" ax_slider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], facecolor=axcolor) slider = Slider( ax_slider, "Slice", 0, len(total_slices) - 1, valinit=0, valstep=1 ) def update(val): slice_idx = int(slider.val) img_display.set_data(imnp[:, :, total_slices[slice_idx]]) outer_plot, inner_plot = results[slice_idx] outer_contour_plot.set_data(outer_plot[:, 1], outer_plot[:, 0]) inner_contour_plot.set_data(inner_plot[:, 1], inner_plot[:, 0]) fig.canvas.draw_idle() slider.on_changed(update) if matplotlib.get_backend() == "agg": matplotlib.use("TkAgg") plt.close() return None
[docs] def volume_splines_optimized(self, imsitk_pad) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Generate optimized volume splines for cortical and trabecular regions. This function processes the input padded image to generate optimized splines for the cortical and trabecular regions. It includes steps for processing slices, interpolating vertical lines, and performing sanity checks. Args: imsitk_pad (SimpleITK.Image): The padded input image. Returns: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: Arrays of cortical external and internal contours. """ imnp = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(imsitk_pad) self.spacing = imsitk_pad.GetSpacing() imnp = np.transpose(imnp, [2, 1, 0]) imnp = np.flip(imnp, axis=1) height = imnp.shape[2] self.logger.debug(f"Height:\t{height}") NUM_SLICES = height // 10 # TODO: parametrize this value total_slices = np.linspace(0, height - 1, NUM_SLICES, dtype=int) processed_slices = [] for slice_idx in total_slices: self.logger.debug(f"Processing slice {slice_idx}") result = self.process_slice(imnp, slice_idx) processed_slices.append(result) if self.show_plots is True: self.plot_slices_with_slider(imnp, total_slices, processed_slices) outer_contours, inner_contours = zip(*processed_slices) out_arr_mm = np.array(outer_contours).reshape(-1, 3) * 0.061 inn_arr_mm = np.array(inner_contours).reshape(-1, 3) * 0.061 z_unique = np.unique(out_arr_mm[:, 2]) cortical_ext_split = np.array_split(out_arr_mm, len(z_unique)) cortical_int_split = np.array_split(inn_arr_mm, len(z_unique)) line_sets_ext = self.get_line_sets(cortical_ext_split) line_sets_int = self.get_line_sets(cortical_int_split) cortical_ext_interp = self.interpolate_vertical_lines_3d(line_sets_ext) cortical_int_interp = self.interpolate_vertical_lines_3d(line_sets_int) if self.show_plots is True: # plot cortical_ext_interp and cortical_int_interp plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.plot( cortical_ext_interp[:, 0], cortical_ext_interp[:, 1], label="Outer Contour", ) plt.plot( cortical_int_interp[:, 0], cortical_int_interp[:, 1], label="Inner Contour", ) plt.legend() slices_ext = {} for point in cortical_ext_interp: z_value = point[2] if z_value not in slices_ext: slices_ext[z_value] = [] slices_ext[z_value].append(point) slices_int = {} for point in cortical_int_interp: z_value = point[2] if z_value not in slices_int: slices_int[z_value] = [] slices_int[z_value].append(point) # I really don't like this back and forth conversion, but tentative fix for now all_coords_int = [] for key in slices_int: for coord_array in slices_int[key]: all_coords_int.append(coord_array) cortical_int_array = np.vstack(all_coords_int) all_coords_ext = [] for key in slices_ext: for coord_array in slices_ext[key]: all_coords_ext.append(coord_array) cortical_ext_array = np.vstack(all_coords_ext) #! careful, change of name ! inn_sanity = [] for z_value, slice_ext_points in slices_ext.items(): out_offset = self.calculate_outer_offset(slice_ext_points) inn_dp = self.check_inner_offset(out_offset, slices_int[z_value]) inn_dp = np.column_stack((inn_dp, np.full(inn_dp.shape[0], z_value))) inn_sanity.append(inn_dp) inn_sanity = np.array(inn_sanity).reshape(-1, 3) return cortical_ext_array, cortical_int_array